Dear Marmam reader,

after our first posting on October 17 we would like to send a little reminder for those within the community that are still considering to conribute to our  9^th  Workshop on Communicating Marine Mammal Science to the general public that will be held just prior to the 2023 European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, that will take place in O Grove, Galicia, Spain.

After our first communication we received some exciting ideas from several members of the community who are willing to share their insights at the workshop. At this point we would likeseek any additional contributions to be presented in the program.

It is our desire to embrace all possible fields, journalism, economics, figurative and non-figurative arts, digital, music, teaching, etc..

Also if you are uncertain whether you have a contribution, please get in touch.

You are invited to submit your idea contacting us:

Barbara, Gema, Luigi and Volker
MARMAM mailing list

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