Dear MARMAM community,

We are pleased to announce the publication of our new research paper in 
Frontiers in Marine Science, where we found that pygmy right whales are 
homebodies, forgoing long-distance migrations like many of their larger 

Dedden AV, Kemper CM, Truong G, McCurry MR, van Ruth PD and Rogers TL (2023) 
Stable isotopes infer the diet and habitat of the enigmatic pygmy right whale 
(Caperea marginata) off southern Australia. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1190623. doi: 

 In the Southern Hemisphere, baleen whales generally undertake migrations 
between productive feeding grounds at high latitudes and breeding grounds at 
lower latitudes. Pygmy right whales (Caperea marginata) (PRW) are the smallest 
and most enigmatic baleen whale, that likely forgo long-distance migrations, 
and instead inhabit temperate and subantarctic waters year-round. Previous 
research has relied on limited data from sighting and stranding records to 
infer the habitat use and diet of PRWs, however the absence of long-term and 
consistent data has left uncertainty surrounding these parameters. We utilized 
bulk stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in baleen from 
Australian PRWs (n = 14) to infer their diet and habitat use. Stable isotope 
values from 1980–2019 were then matched to remote sensed data from known 
upwelling regions (where they likely feed) to examine if their dietary patterns 
are related to changes in food web dynamics. We found that PRWs remained in 
mid-latitude waters year-round and showed no evidence of feeding in Antarctic 
waters. Rather, their isotopic record suggests they remain between coastal 
waters off southern Australia and the Subtropical Convergence, feeding on krill 
and copepods. Additionally, there was a weak positive relationship between PRW 
nitrogen stable isotope values and sea surface temperature (SST) from the 
eastern Great Australian Bight (GAB) and Bonney Upwelling. This suggests 
seasonal changes in their diet is possibly correlated to oceanographic changes 
which drive food-web dynamics in these regions. Unlike larger species of baleen 
whales that migrate further to highly productive waters in the Southern Ocean 
to meet their energetic demands, the small PRW, who only reach 6.5m, may 
sustain both feeding and breeding requirements at mid-latitudes. This is the 
first study to analyze long-term dietary and movement patterns of the PRW, 
providing an important contribution to our understanding of the species.

Open access paper available at:

All the best,
Adelaide Dedden

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