Dear MARMAM Readers,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am glad to announce the publication in early
view of the paper "The prefrontal cortex of the bottlenose dolphin (*Tursiops
truncatus* Montagu, 1821): a tractography study and comparison with the
human" in Brain Structure and Function.

Authors: Gerussi, T., Graïc, JM., Peruffo, A., Behroozi, M., Schlaffke, L.,
Huggenberger, S., Güntürkün, O. & Cozzi, B.


Cetaceans are well known for their remarkable cognitive abilities including
self-recognition, sound imitation and decision making. In other mammals,
the prefrontal cortex (PFC) takes a key role in such cognitive feats. In
cetaceans, however, a PFC could up to now not be discerned based on its
usual topography. Classical in vivo methods like tract tracing are legally
not possible to perform in Cetacea, leaving diffusion-weighted imaging
(DWI) as the most viable alternative. This is the first investigation
focussed on the identification of the cetacean PFC homologue. In our study,
we applied the constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) algorithm on 3 T
DWI scans of three formalin-fixed brains of bottlenose dolphins (*Tursiops
truncatus*) and compared the obtained results to human brains, using the
same methodology. We first identified fibres related to the medio-dorsal
thalamic nuclei (MD) and then seeded the obtained putative PFC in the
dolphin as well as the known PFC in humans. Our results outlined the
dolphin PFC in areas not previously studied, in the cranio-lateral,
ectolateral and opercular gyri, and furthermore demonstrated a similar
connectivity pattern between the human and dolphin PFC. The antero-lateral
rotation of the PFC, like in other areas, might be the result of the
telescoping process which occurred in these animals during evolution.

Thank you very much for reading it.

Best regards

*Tommaso Gerussi, DVM, Ph.D.*
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science - University of
Viale dell'università 16, 35020 Legnaro (PD)
+39 3343301409
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Skype: tommaso.gerussi
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