Dear Marman community, 

On the behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to share our article recently 
published in Nature Communications: 

Gilbert, L., Jeanniard-du-Dot, T., Authier, M. et al. Composition of cetacean 
communities worldwide shapes their contribution to ocean nutrient cycling. Nat 
Commun 14, 5823 (2023).

The article is available in open access here

Abstract: Defecation by large whales is known to fertilise oceans with 
nutrients, stimulating phytoplankton and ecosystem productivity. However, our 
current understanding of these processes is limited to a few species, nutrients 
and ecosystems. Here, we investigate the role of cetacean communities in the 
worldwide biological cycling of two major nutrients and six trace nutrients. We 
show that cetaceans release more nutrients in mesotrophic to eutrophic 
temperate waters than in oligotrophic tropical waters, mirroring patterns of 
ecosystem productivity. The released nutrient cocktails also vary 
geographically, driven by the composition of cetacean communities. The roles of 
small cetaceans, deep diving cetaceans and baleen whales differ quantitatively 
and functionally, with contributions of small cetaceans and deep divers 
exceeding those of large whales in some areas. The functional diversity of 
cetacean communities expands beyond their role as top predators to include 
their role as active nutrient vectors, which might be equally important to 
local ecosystem dynamics.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 


Lola Gilbert

PhD candidate at the Centre for Biological Studies of Chizé-La Rochelle 

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