Dear MARMAM community,

On behalf of my coauthors, I am pleased to share our recent paper in 
Integrative Organismal Biology:

D R Barlow, K C Bierlich, W K Oestreich, G Chiang, J W Durban, J A Goldbogen, D 
W Johnston, M S Leslie, M J Moore, J P Ryan, L G Torres, Shaped by Their 
Environment: Variation in Blue Whale Morphology across Three Productive Coastal 
Ecosystems, Integrative Organismal Biology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023, obad039,

ABSTRACT: Species ecology and life history patterns are often reflected in 
animal morphology. Blue whales are globally distributed, with distinct 
populations that feed in different productive coastal regions worldwide. Thus, 
they provide an opportunity to investigate how regional ecosystem 
characteristics may drive morphological differences within a species. Here, we 
compare physical and biological oceanography of three different blue whale 
foraging grounds: (1) Monterey Bay, California, USA; (2) the South Taranaki 
Bight (STB), Aotearoa New Zealand; and (3) the Corcovado Gulf, Chile. 
Additionally, we compare the morphology of blue whales from these regions using 
unoccupied aircraft imagery. Monterey Bay and the Corcovado Gulf are seasonally 
productive and support the migratory life history strategy of the Eastern North 
Pacific (ENP) and Chilean blue whale populations, respectively. In contrast, 
the New Zealand blue whale population remains in the less productive STB 
year-round. All three populations were indistinguishable in total body length. 
However, New Zealand blue whales were in significantly higher body condition 
despite lower regional productivity, potentially attributable to their 
non-migratory strategy that facilitates lower risk of spatiotemporal 
misalignment with more consistently available foraging opportunities. 
Alternatively, the migratory strategy of the ENP and Chilean populations may be 
successful when their presence on the foraging grounds temporally aligns with 
abundant prey availability. We document differences in skull and fluke 
morphology between populations, which may relate to different feeding behaviors 
adapted to region-specific prey and habitat characteristics. These 
morphological features may represent a trade-off between maneuverability for 
prey capture and efficient long-distance migration. As oceanographic patterns 
shift relative to long-term means under climate change, these blue whale 
populations may show different vulnerabilities due to differences in migratory 
phenology and feeding behavior between regions.

The full article is open access, and available online:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or to request a PDF copy.


Dawn Barlow, PhD (she/her)
Postdoctoral Scholar
Marine Mammal Institute | Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation 
Oregon State University | Hatfield Marine Science Center
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab<>

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