Hi Andreu,

None of your investment into 0.7 will be wasted with the 0.8 release as the new software would feature a backwards compatability component to upgrade old marts (0.7 and earlier). So no worries on this front.

Please do write to us about any difficulties that you are having to setup 0.7, we are happy to help you.


On 07/10/2010 11:06, Andreu Alibés wrote:

I'm setting up a local biomart and, after reading that biomart 0.8 is soon to 
be released, would like to know how much will it change from biomart 0.7. Also, 
is it worth for me to set up biomart 0.7 (quite hard already) and then have to 
move to 0.8 or should I wait?



Andreu Alibés, PhD
Bioinformatics Core&  EMBL-CRG Systems Biology Unit
Center for Genomic Regulation
C/ Dr. Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 93 316 0202

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