
I'm locally running a BioMart (v 0.7) and I'm quite amazed by it's

I loaded a set of genomic contigs into the database, which I can also
access by MartView.
Now I'm stuck at bringing ProServer and BioMart together with a minimal
working configuration. At the moment the only attributes I have for the
contig dataset, are the id's and it's sequence.

I set up an importable/exportable pair so that ProServer can access the
data. ProServer is then complaining with the following message:

Recieved filt contigID_key
Error building adaptor 'Bio::Das::ProServer::SourceAdaptor::biomart' for
'mymart1': BioMart DAS Compliant feature_keys list must contain at least
 at blib/lib/Bio/Das/ProServer.pm line 794

I read that "type" could be "Chromosome", "contig", ... Does that mean I
need to add a new field to my database where every entry is "contig"? Does
the same apply to the "method" field?

Does maybe an existing example configuration for BioMart/ProServer exist?

Any help would be appreciated,

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