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The day I call a government which makes a priority of paying
the Paris club billions because it’s the only way to preserve the scrap industry
-which is an actual barrier to the development of the productive forces needed 
empower workers- while letting children starve to death (as in the province of
Salta in Argentina) and forcing thousands to forced labor, which maintains the
value of labor-power at a level lower than that left by the last military 
by supporting itself on a putrefact bureaucratic trade-union led by an
accomplice of that same military dictatorship and with a looong history of 
opportunism (notwithstanding the characterization of this leader as a 
element” by some in this list) so that it facilitates the murder of young
militants (like Mariano Ferreyra) by protecting its ‘mastermind’, which 
promotes the false
criminalization of the laid-off workers who are struggling for the cause for
which this young militant died and are being persecuted by the police and the
(in)justice system, which allies itself with other truly bourgeois
revolutionary governments to form the ONE Latin-American nation which sends the
police and the gendarmes to squash workers who take over abandoned factories as
in the case of the struggle against Kraft foods (Argentina) and the workers of
Flasko (Brasil) serving (in a plate!) the interests of capital (and no small, or
Latin-American, capital at that), which supposedly “combats” these problems of
the flexibilization of labor with more of that flexibilization, which
positively facilitates and covers up for the murdering of oppressed indigenous
peoples (as the Tobas in Argentina), which complains about the dangers of the
right when it seals succulent business deals with its top people behind the
curtains, oh! And which in all solidarity sends troops to Haiti to help “manage”
the situation, etc. etc. etc. etc. (and I mean ETCETERA: 

…the day I call such governments ‘progressive’ because I can’t
see further than the superficial movements of so-called redistribution policies
while obfuscating the necessary tasks for the struggle of workers, i.e. the
tasks to combat this REGRESSIVE form of capital accumulation, and like a petty
radical democrat scream “IMPERIALISM” at everything I don’t like to then 
(and I mean here ideology of the petty-bourgeois kind) invert the relations of
production (capital) for their outward appearance, puffing and puffing about
geopolitics and the power battles between “NATIONS” (as if they were some sort
of self-subsistent things) while perpetuating the ideological inversion which
only serves to break the struggle of workers and make them compete against each
other,…so that there is no possible way of understanding the necessity of one’s
political as determined by this social-being (capital),… that’s the day I’ll
forget about conscious political action, like that the old Karl defended.

Till that day though, it’d be interesting to see if anyone
has to say something about how that political action has to be based on an
objective understanding of the determinations of capital. So far...
(p.s. am I being obnoxious?, very well, I'm being obnoxious!)                   
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