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David N. Gibbs Replies to Marko Atilla Hoare

This posting is a follow-up on an extended debate that I have been 
having with Marko Atilla Hoare, on the breakup of Yugoslavia during the 
1990s. For those interested in the full set of comments, you can find 
them here 
This debate actually began on Modernityblog, but I have decided that 
Louis Proyect’s website is a much better venue for my comments. I thank 
Louis for allowing me to post on his website.

Let me begin by noting that Hoare seems to have an obsessive interest in 
my 2009 book, First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the 
Destruction of Yugoslavia (Vanderbilt University Press, 2009). Over the 
past two months, Hoare has written three lengthy attack reviews of my 
book on his own website, which (when printed out) run to some eighteen 
single-spaced pages; in addition to several dozen postings to 
Modernityblog, in debates that directly address my book. And he promises 
that there will be yet more attack reviews, to add to all this. One 
wonders if the man actually has a job, or if attacking me has become a 
full time endeavor. Either way, I am impressed by the sheer volume of 
his output.

In what follows, I will make no pretense that I answer all of Hoare’s 
allegations, which I find impossible, given the huge quantity of his 
charges. What I will show however is that Hoare’s writings contain major 
and systematic errors of fact that would, in any normal situation, 
discredit him.


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