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Marxism List Participants, 
Marx wrote, in 1858, to Engels: "I am, by the way,  discovering some nice 
arguments. E.g. I have completely demolished the theory of  profit as 
hitherto propounded. What was of great use to me as regards  method of 
was Hegel’s Logic at which I had taken  another look by mere accident, 
Freiligrath having found and  made me a present of several volumes of Hegel, 
originally the property of  Bakunin. If ever the time comes when such work is 
again possible, I  should very much like to write 2 or 3 sheets making 
accessible to the common  reader the rational aspect of the method which Hegel 
only discovered but  also mystified." [ _Marx  to Engels. 16 January 1858_ 
(http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1858/letters/58_01_16.htm)  ] 
Marx wrote again, in 1868, that he wished to write a book  on dialectics, 
stating that "the true laws of dialectics are to be found already  in Hegel, 
in a mystic form, however.  The problem is to divest them of this form." 
[Marx to Dietzgen, 09 May  1868]. 
Marx wrote, yet again, in 1875, seven years later, and  eight years before 
his death, in 1883, that once he had finished with the  'Economics', he 
intended to write on the subject of dialectics [Marx to  Dietzgen, Dec. 1875]. 
In the event, Marx did not live to write his  "Dialectics".  
However, at long last, a collective author, "F.E.D."  [Foundation 
Encyclopedia Dialectica], may have taken the first giant step toward  filling 
the gap 
that Marx's early demise, and Engel's  incomplete "Dialectics of Nature" 
manuscript, left open ever  since. 
A new book has just been released by Foundation  Encyclopedia Dialectica 
[F.E.D.], entitled --

A Dialectical "Theory of  Everything" -- Meta-Genealogies of the Universe 
and of Its Sub-Universes:  
A Graphical Manifesto.

-- see: 


I could be wrong on this one, of course, but I  think it may accomplish, 
for Platonian, Hegelian, and [especially] Marxian  Dialectic, +, at long last, 
what Boole did for Aristotelian syllogistic, +,  formal logic with his 1847 
"The Mathematical Analysis of Logic", and with his  1854 "Investigation of 
the Laws of Thought"!  

Here's the text from the front and back "flaps" of the  "dust cover" jacket 
[modified for this list's typography] --

"A  Dialectical Theory of Everything — Meta-Genealogies of the Universe and 
Its Sub-Universes: A Graphical Manifesto.

Volume 0:  Foundations [Edition 0 – December 2010,  from F.E.D. Press]

This initial volume, Volume 0, sets forth the  foundations of F.E.D.'s
dialectical-mathematical "model of  everything".

Synthesizing ancient themes of dialectic, "autokinesis", and  
['karmicity'], with modern themes of logical and  set-theoretical paradox as
"self-reflexivity", and of integro-differential  equation "nonlinearity", 
evoked via
both occidental and oriental sources from  antiquity, and via modern 
in natural/social science, and in  mathematics, this initial volume lays out
foundations for a unified theory of dialectic.  
Foundations presented include a unification of the  traditions of Platonian 
and Hegelian dialectic,  and the
discovery, for the first time in human history, of a rich and  versatile 
'mathematics of dialectic'.

This new 'mathematics of dialectic'  is utilized to derive a 
equation, which models,  qualitatively [via ontological categories], the 
self-evolutions,and 'self-meta-evolutions', of our  "kosmos" as a totality, 
also predicts a next major self-development of this  "kosmos" , and which  
summarizes the dialectical "theory of everything" that  gives this work its 

A dialectical, 'ideo-ontological' categorial  progression of systems of 
'qualo-quantitative', dialectical arithmetics, are  modeled, using the 
second system  
in that progression, its first explicitly dialectical  system, starting 
from "Natural
Numbers", or N, arithmetic, as purely-quantitative  
[implicitly-dialectical] first  system.  
The second system is a 'purely-qualitative' [purely  ontological],  
"non-standard model" of N arithmetic [i.e., the first four, "first order"  
Peano Postulates hold for this system as well as for the N system],  
with a 'contra-Boolean' algebra, founded upon a hitherto-unnoticed,  
strong negation of Boole's "Fundamental Law of [formal-logical]  Thought".

Volume 1:  Geneses [forthcoming, from F.E.D.  Press]

Volume 1 recounts the genesis of the new dialectical mathematics  in detail.

Volume 2:  Dialectical 'Meta-Models' of the 'Human  Phenome' [forthcoming,
from F.E.D. Press]

Volume 2 presents  'psycho-historical dialectical meta-models' , expressed 
via the
new  dialectical mathematics, which zoom-in on human-social  constructions,
including a 'meta-model' of the genesis of written language, a  
'meta-model' of
the development of ancient Mediterranean philosophy, and a  'meta-model' of 
development of the standard arithmetics, starting from  the N arithmetic as 

Volume 3:  The Dialectic of Nature [forthcoming,  from F.E.D. Press]

Volume 3 explores 'self-meta-evolutions' of human  society, modeled via the 
new dialectical mathematics, as processes of later  natural history, 
including those of the human-social relations,  
and of the human-social forces, of human-societal  self-reproduction. It 
also addresses the parallel development of related human thought-modes,  
including an historical-dialectical mathematical  
'meta-model' of the 'dialectic of the dialectic  itself'."


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