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January 26, 2011 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/, 
with the kind permission of Monthly Review Press, is excited to offer 
its readers an excerpt from */The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay 
Gould/*, by Richard York and Brett Clark.

* * *

*Stephen Jay Gould* was not only a leading paleontologist and 
evolutionary theorist, he was also a humanist with an enduring interest 
in the history and philosophy of science. The extraordinary range of 
Gould's work was underpinned by a richly nuanced and deeply insightful 

*Richard York* and *Brett Clark* engage Gould's science and humanism to 
illustrate and develop the intellectual power of Gould's worldview, 
particularly with regard to the philosophy of science. They demonstrate 
how the Gouldian perspective sheds light on many of the key debates 
occurring not only in the natural sciences, but in the social sciences 
as well. They engage the themes that unified Gould's work and drove his 
inquires throughout his intellectual career, such as the nature of 
history, both natural and social, particularly the profound importance 
of contingency and the uneven tempo of change. They also assess Gould's 
views on structuralism, highlighting the importance of the dialectical 
interaction of structural forces with everyday demands for function, and 
his views on the hierarchical ordering of causal forces, with some 
forces operating at large scales and/or over long spans of time, while 
others are operating on small scales and/or occur frequently or rapidly.

Download the excerpt at http://links.org.au/node/2120


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