vice-president of the union committee of factory TMZ Yaroslavl, Russia
March 31 1999

As a simple worker from one of the big factories of Russia I want to speak
to our  brothers and sisters, to the workers from USA, from England, from
France, Germany, Spain and also to the workers from Eastern Europe. But
especially to make a call to the workers from the Nato countries.

NATO has begun a brutal aggression against workers from Yugoslavia. Today
we witness an aggression that involves an unprecedented destructive force
in Europe greater than any force since the Second World War. Airplanes,
missiles, bombs form a colossal war machine that is bombing Yugoslavian
towns continuously and  NATO does not have intention of stopping. Among the
popular masses of Russia indignation and desperation is growing as the
devastating threatens everyone.

Because of this we are making a call so that we can act together to stop
this barbarism, this ignominious intervention that kills thousands of
innocent victims' of all the nationalities and religions. This military
intervention doesn't solve the just claim of the people of Kosova They also
suffer from these terrible bombings, it is not the politicians or the
military who suffer. For that reason it will not be the politicians or the
military who solve the conflict.

The solution is in the hands of the workers to end the genocide! We propose
that you meet in factories, neighborhoods, union assemblies. We propose
that you organize marches and meetings in front of the aerodromes to stop
to those airplanes that take death loaded in their wings! That you
demonstrate in front of the ports from where they are sending supplies in
order to launch missiles against factories, refineries and schools.

We, the Russian workers, for our part know that the NATO, with its wild
provocative aggression, is generating a confrontation that embraces our
country and all Europe. Many politicians from Russia make the game and they
want to go to a war of international proportions. They only think of
filling their pockets from selling weapons. All this can lead to a new
world war.

The workers from Russia and the former Soviet Union will not allow it! With
our unity each factory we will demonstrate that we won't serve as canyon
fodder for a new massacre. We take a fight against the parasites, thieves
and agents of the international capital in our country. In every year of
power Yeltsin the country was plundered, ruined and the industrial and
technical potential destroyed. President Yeltsin is a misfortune for Russia
and also for the peoples of the region, especially of the former-USSR.
These governments will sink us bit by bit. They  sell out, one after
another, to the USA and they tie us to the loan sharks of the IMF.

Today we see that behind the whole "patriotic" demagogy, premier Primakov
and the vice-premier Masliukov swallowed bait of the IMF all in one go.
That means hunger and misery for all us. The task urgent to remove Yeltsin
and the government from power! We should get rid of this pest! I believe
that we have enough forces to do it. The unit and solidarity between us and
the workers of the rest of Europe will help make victory quicker.

Together we will conquer!

         --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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