One of the problems of a Gramscian concept of revolutionary change in a
developed capitalist society it what individual changes are significant,
however small. 

Last night felt like one of them.

The BBC had its votes for outstanding sports people of the year and the
century. Mohammed Ali won the century and received an introduction that
specifically noted his political courage in going to prison rather than
fight in the Vietnam war. He got more votes than the four other nominees


                            Ali, the three-times world
                            heavyweight champion, received
                            a standing ovation as he
                            collected the trophy at the
                            Sports Personality awards. 

              And boxing celebrated a double triumph as current
              world heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis was
              named BBC Sports Personality of the Year. 

              The 57-year-old, who received the award from
              former world boxing champion Evander Holyfield,
              said: "I would like to thank the British people for
              giving me such a big welcome and all the people
              concerned with the award." 

              And he joked: "I had a good time boxing. I enjoyed
              it - and I may come back." 

              Ali, who has Parkinson's Disease, also issued a
              statement which said: "Ever since I first came here in
              1963 to fight Henry Cooper, I have loved the
              people of England. 

              "They have always been
              extremely warm and
              welcoming to me, which
              is why I am especially
              honoured to accept the
              BBC's Sports Personality
              of the Century. 

              "I give thanks to God and
              to all the people in the
              UK who have supported
              me over the years." 


Flanked by Lennox Lewis, with his stylish dreadlocks, current heavy-weight
champion, and a smiling Evander Holyfield, as the audience all stood in
applause,  this was a moment of pride and respect for the contribution that
black people have achieved in English speaking lands.

The openness and good humour with which Ali dealt with his Parkisons
problem was also a model of dignity in copying with disability without
being socially excluded.

A small but real shift of power in took place last night in civil society
in Britain.

Chris Burford


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