At 25/08/01 01:42 +0100, Karl wrote:

>Much of the radical left insist that there is no such phenomenon as
>globalisation. They claim that it is merely a propaganda ploy advanced by the
>bourgeoisie. They argue that capitalism has not been restructured in such 
>a way
>that the contradiction between the capital relation and the nation state has
>become  much more accentuated.

I think this is a good way to pinpoint one of the errors.

Now that it is very difficult to envisage even social democracy in one 
country, let alone socialism in one country, it is ironical that it is 
people from a trotskyist background who seem to argue most dogmatically 
that it is reformist to campaign for any radical reforms globally. For them 
the only true revolutionary stance is to keep eyes fixed on a revolutionary 
overthrow of the state within each individual country.

Chris Burford

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