Israel and Palestine Stop Blaming the Victims
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The long arm of history on the Palestine problem.

The Palestine problem arises directly from the stupid contradiction between two 
declarations by the British Government during W.W.I, namely: 

1. The Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917: 

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a 
national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate 
the achievement of this object, it being clearly undershot that nothing shall be done 
that may prejudice the civil and religious right of existing non-Jewish communities in 
Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." 

2. The joint Anglo-French declaration of 7 November 1918, after the campaigns of 
Allenby and T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), issued simultaneously in Palestine, 
Syria and Iraq: 

"The goal envisaged by France and Great Britain.... is the complete and final 
liberation of the peoples who have for so long been oppressed by the Turks, and the 
setting up of national governments and administrations that shall derive their 
authority from the free exercise of the initiative and choice of the indigenous 

Both these declarations were in sharp contradiction, not only to each other, but to 
the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 in which Britain and France had mutually agreed (in 
secret - the Agreement was made public by the government of Soviet Russia in December 
1917) to the partitioning of the Arab territories of the Turkish Empire into a French 
administration in the north (i.e. Syria, which then included Lebanon) and a British 
administration in the south (i.e Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula), but setting aside 
Palestine for international administration. 

At the San Remo Conference of April 1920 the Allied Supreme Council decided that while 
the states of the Arabian Peninsula should become independent, that the areas close to 
the Mediterranean should become Mandated Territories. This decision was sealed by the 
Treaty of Sèvres, 1920. For these territories. the League of Nations devised a special 
form of Mandate - 'A' Mandate - for which the task of the mandatory power was 
specified as "the rendering of administrative advice and assistance.... until such 
time as they [these territories] are able to stand alone," in accordance with the 
summary statement in the League of Nations Covenant - applying to the whole area 
(including Palestine) -that "Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish 
Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent 
nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative 
advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. 
The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of 
the Mandatory." 

[A summary of the conflict is listed on Key dates in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 
[Study text of the University of Michigan-Dearborn]; and much greater detail is 
recorded on the United Nations site at Palestine Problem 1917-1988; and their links] 

The contradictions arising from the conditions of the Mandate, the Balfour Declaration 
and the joint Anglo-French declaration of November 1918 are discussed in extenso on UN 
on Palestine Part 1. 

So far as the indigenous population is concerned the following from Whitaker's 
Almanack, 1940, at p.954, is relevant: 

"The area of Palestine west of the Jordan is about 10,400 square miles, with a 
population estimated (Dec 31, 1938) at 1,435,000 of whom 900,000 are Moslems 
(including 67,000 nomad Beduins, who are mostly to be found in the Beersheba 
district), 411,000 Jews, 112,000 Christians, and 12,000 members of other faiths. Since 
Sep. 1, 1920, about 306,000 Jewish immigrants have been recorded as having entered 
Palestine. In 1938, 15,263 persons were admitted, either as immigrants or as 
travellers who subsequently were allowed to register as immigrants, and of these 
12,868 were Jews. The Jewish immigrants came principally from German and Austria (52 
per cent), Poland (25 per cent), Roumania (4 per cent), Czecho-Slovakia (3 per cent) 
and Yemen and Aden (2½ per cent). Immigrants who were neither Jews nor Arabs numbered 
1,872, of whom 1,312 came from Great Britain." 

[These figures suggest that in 1923, at the commencement of the Mandate, the 
proportion of Jews to Arabs was approx 1:9 .....] 

Whitaker's Almanack, 2000 treats the whole of Palestine under the heading Israel, with 
the area and population of Israel proper given as 8,130 sq. miles, population 
6,100,000 (1999 estimate): roughly 82 per cent Jewish, 14 per cent Arab Moslems, 2.5 
per cent Christian of which 90 per cent are Arab, and 2 per cent Druze, and "Since 
independence Israel has had a policy of granting an immigration visa to every Jew who 
expresses a desire to settle in Israel. Between 1948 and 1992, 2.3 million immigrants 
have entered Israel from over 100 different countries." 

Under Palestinian Autonomous Areas it states: 

"AREA - The total area of 2,406 sq. miles. The area which is fully autonomous is 159 
sq. miles, of which the Gaza Strip is 136 sq. miles and the Jericho enclave 23 sq. 
POPULATION - 2,920,454 (1998 Census), of whom 210,209 live in East Jerusalem. In 
addition there are 141,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank and 4,000 in the Gaza 
strip who remain under Israeli administration and jurisdiction." 

This takes little account of the Arab Palestinians either expelled or fled from 
occupied Palestine, about whom UNRWA web-site; gives the following summary: 

"The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 
(UNRWA) provides education, health, and relief and social services to 3.9 million 
registered Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic, the West 
Bank and the Gaza Strip. 

The official web site for UNRWA is prepared and maintained by the Public Information 
Office, UNRWA Headquarters, Gaza." 

Considering the history of the last 50-odd years it no longer seems surprising that 
the Palestinians refused to agree to the UN partition settlement of 1948 even though, 
with hindsight, we can now see that it might well have left them in a position far 
less onerous and oppressive than the present, but the main conclusions must be: 
1. No solution to the problem can possibly come from using military force again a 
substantially unarmed population. 

2. Any solution must involve a stable secure homeland for the Palestinian Arabs - 
either in a properly independent state with defensible borders within some very 
substantial portion of Palestine - or in a mutually shared, secular state for the 
whole country in which Jews and Arabs can live as equals. 

with two important corollaries: 
1. That a major responsibility for the Middle East conflict derives from the actions 
of Britain (up to 1948, and through its continuing support of the USA [*see added note 
below]), and on the United States of America for its utilisation and military support 
of Israel as a client state. 

2. No solution is possible while these two Governments see individual Arab actions as 
terrorism and military incursions of Israel into Arab Palestinian areas as 
"defensive". In fact the major terrorist actions are those conducted by the Israeli 

Note added 15th April But this does not take account of Britain's collusion with 
France and Israel in the attack on Egypt in 1956 - which, to the surprise of Britain 
and France, was (partially) aborted on the intervention of the USA. 

© E. C. "Paddy") Apling, 14th April, 2002. 

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