Labor in the Era of Capitalist Globalization

By Scott Marshall < <>> 




Up until the early 1990’s the Socialist camp including the Soviet Union
acted somewhat as a brake on imperialism and on capitalist globalization. In
addition to checking military domination and adventures, as trading partners
the socialist block also provided the means for many developing countries to
resist and/or minimize unfair trade and the penetration of foreign capital. 

The collapse of socialism in Russia and Eastern European countries released
a tremendous capital scramble and global competition for markets. Under a
banner of capitalist triumph, deregulation, privatization and unfair,
predatory trade agreements swept much of the planet. 




To be sure, the technological and communication revolutions that feed and
accelerate globalization were already well developed by the 1990’s.
Capitalist globalization with its free flow of capital around the world
began much earlier, but it took on new aggressiveness and clearly
accelerated with the collapse of the Socialist block. And without the
socialist system acting as a brake, US capital became the undisputed top dog
– protected and developed by the world’s single remaining military super

Lenin made it clear in his "Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism,"
that imperialism is not a policy. It is a stage of capitalist development,
an objective process. The same is true of capitalist globalization. It is
not a policy of this or that government. It is an objective process of
transnational capitalist development. This distinction is important to
understanding the class struggle today. While government policy can have
impact on how capitalist globalization proceeds, as long as capitalism is
the dominant economic system, its globalization will continue. 

The process of capitalist globalization is important context for
understanding the labor movement in the US today. How did we get here? Why
such a decline in union membership in the last 35 years? Why such a steep
decline in industrial union membership with plant closings etc? Why have
so-called "free trade" agreements like NAFTA become such a big deal for
labor? What is behind all these sharp debates within the labor movement? 

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 signaled a sharpening corporate and
government attack on labor. It is no coincidence that the early 1980’s also
marked the acceleration of plant closings and downsizing in the
manufacturing sector and greater investment by US based transnational
corporations overseas. This period also featured increased outsourcing of
jobs and work overseas. 

During the 80’s and 90’s accelerated mergers and created vast new
manufacturing and financial empires. Take, for example, the steel industry.
Up until the 1980’s steel was, in most countries, a nationally owned
industry, whether private or public, with very little penetration of foreign
capital. Today, the worlds top three steel companies are based in India,
Luxemburg and Japan. Each has vast holdings around the world, including some
in the US. US Steel also now owns plants in other countries, including in
some formerly socialist countries in Eastern Europe. 

The growth and concentration of transnational capital has fueled far right
political trends in many of the industrialized countries, including the US. 

In the early years the strongest trend in the US labor movement was to
channel anti-capitalist globalization sentiment into right-wing and
jingoistic directions. Some fell for arguments that pitted US workers
against workers in other countries and against immigrant workers. Japan
bashing and Buy America campaigns mobilized xenophobic attitudes. Global
capitalist competitiveness was packaged as worker-against-worker competition
requiring wage and benefit sacrifices to "beat the competition." 

The early 80’s saw big losses for workers in the form of concessions in
wages and benefits. It also was a time when unions lost ground in
coordinated bargaining with common contract expiration dates, and when
unions lost industry wide master agreements that had set higher standards
for many manufacturing sectors of the economy. 

At the same time, left-center coalitions and rank-and-file movements in
labor challenged these setbacks and put forward class struggle alternatives
that rejected concessions and give backs. They stressed global labor
solidarity and targeted the transnational corporations. By the late 1980’s,
many of the leaders of the rank and file movements of the 70’s and early
80’s were moving into leadership positions in local, state and national
unions. This process culminated in 1995 with the election of the Sweeney,
Chavez-Thompson, Trumka slate to the leadership of the AFL-CIO. 

Still, the objective process of capitalist globalization continued to
develop. With the establishment of the World Trade Organization and the
NAFTA agreement, fresh waves US based capital flowed off shore, resulting in
still more job loss and the destruction of whole working class communities
in some manufacturing regions. 

The process of capitalist globalization continues during both Democratic and
Republican administrations. What is different is the amount of room labor
and the people have to fight to limit the impact of globalization on their
members and working families. For example under Democratic administrations
in several states unions were able to get legislation passed to require
advanced notification of plant closings. In some cases corporations were
forced to repay tax breaks and abatements to communities. Living wage
ordinances were passed in some places in direct response to the downward
spiral of wages and working conditions due to plant closings and

Under Democratic administrations with a Democratic controlled Congress,
labor was able to lead successful fights to extend unemployment benefits and
for trade adjustment legislation to provide limited help to those who lost
their jobs due to capital flight and trade-related plant closings. 

Under Republican administrations and with Republican control of Congress has
come sharply more aggressive attacks on workers and any measures that would
serve to lessen the blows of globalization. Because the Republican right is
much more ideologically driven in their anti-labor and pro capitalist
globalization fervor, they have greatly accelerated the process of unfair
trade treaties and attacks on labor rights. 

These differences in how the two Big Business parties handle trade issues
was clearly visible in the 2004 elections. Bush and the Republicans
downplayed trade issues and basically called for maintaining fast track
authority for trade agreements. They voiced support for FTAA, CAFTA and
other "free trade agreements" and opposed any idea of reopening trade
agreements to include labor rights and environmental standards. They
attacked the Democrats for "being in the pocket of Big Labor," and
threatened new legislation to curb labor rights and collective bargaining. 

On the other hand, on the Democratic side, several candidates in the
primaries called for either ending NAFTA or reopening existing treaties to
incorporate strong labor rights and environmental standards with enforcement
teeth. Richard Gephardt campaigned on the idea of establishing an
international minimum wage. And in the end John Kerry bowed to his labor
support and called for reopening NAFTA and negotiating strong labor rights
and environmental standards into all future trade agreements, a fundamental
shift from his pro-globalization stance in the Senate. Kerry and many other
of the Democratic candidates were also sponsors of the Employee Free Choice
Act, labor’s bill to restore the right to organize. 

Labor, War and Peace 

War and militarization are integral parts of capitalist globalization. For
example, the presence of US military force and large military investments in
Colombia is not separate from the drive for the Free Trade Agreement of the
Americas (FTAA). And, of course, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and
the thrust of military might into the Mid East serve the interests of US
based transnational capital – oil in the first place. This reckless use of
military power is not wasted on US trading partners and on those who fight
against capitalist globalization around the world. 

Larger and larger sections of labor are beginning to see the connections
between war and capitalist globalization – making the world "safe" for
global investment and exploitation. Others in labor are going a step further
and demanding that labor adopt an independent foreign policy based on the
interests of the working class, not based on the corporate agenda of the US

In the end, capitalist globalization, backed up by a single military super
power makes the world a very dangerous place. One big conclusion drawn from
this situation has to be that labor and the peace and solidarity movements
are the most natural of allies. Making this connection and working to build
ties with the peace movement has to be one our most important tasks. 

Global Solidarity 

Today there is growing recognition that global capital demands a labor
response that is global. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels point
out, "Now and then the workers are victorious, but only for a time. The real
fruit of their battles lie not in the immediate result, but in the ever
expanding union of the workers. This union is helped on by the improved
means of communication that are created by Modern Industry, and that place
the workers of different localities in contact with one another. It was just
this contact that was needed to centralize the numerous local struggles, all
of the same character, into one national struggle between classes." 

Today we must update the last sentence to say, "It is just this contact that
is needed to centralize the numerous national struggles, all of the same
character, into one international struggle between classes." 

The slogan "Workers of the World Unite" is back by popular demand! This is a
worldwide development. In both developing and industrial countries, the
labor movements are increasingly aware of the global nature of the
capitalist enemy. 

It is far from clear what form global labor solidarity will ultimately take,
but it is clear that all manner of international ties are bring built every

One problems is that there are still two world labor federations, the ICFTU
and the WFTU. And both are still somewhat mired in their cold war pasts.
Nevertheless, both are playing an important roles in fighting globalization.

However, increasingly it is the specific global union federations, what used
to be called trade secretariats, that are the center of building day-to-day
working ties for global labor. These global union federations are built on
specific industries such as garment and textile or metal working. 

In the past, these forms were mostly for sharing information and national
experiences in fighting and organizing workers in specific industries.
Today, unions go beyond sharing information to coordinated action including
around strike struggles. And much of the new global solidarity takes place
outside of the two world federations and their global union federations. 

Increasingly, US unions are signing specific solidarity agreements and
alliances directly with unions in other countries that bargain with the same
transnational corporations. For example, the United Steelworkers Union has
such agreements across the globe including in Mexico and Brazil. The USW
pioneered this approach when it took the initiative to call together many of
the specific unions dealing with Bridgestone/Firestone around the world. Now
there are regular global conferences of these rubber unions to map out
specific bargaining strategy and solidarity. 

Road Blocks to Global Labor Unity 

Global capitalism is built on an ugly history of racism and national
chauvinism. From slavery through colonialism and neo-colonialism, through
world wars brought on by imperialism and fascism, capitalism has grown into
a global system based on oppression, super-exploitation and bloody conquest.
The transnational corporations of today, like all their predecessors, use
every tool at their disposal to divide labor and the people. 

Apologists for capitalist globalization claim that they are bringing jobs
and economic development when they chase low wages throughout the developing
world. This was part of their argument for NAFTA. Instead NAFTA has driven
down overall wages in Mexico and destroyed many rural based economies and
agricultures, driving millions off their land. This is a pattern repeated by
all the so-called free trade agreements. 

Perhaps one of the biggest products of capitalist globalization is
migration. By 2002 there were over 175 million people crossing borders
leaving their own countries in search of work. Much of this migration is the
result of corporate plunder of developing countries. Large percentages of
the victims are racially and nationally oppressed peoples. Whole
far-rightwing, even fascistic movements have been built on racism towards
immigrants in industrial countries including the US. Just now we see the
rise of the Ku Klux Klan styled Minuteman organization in the Southwest. 

While it is global capital that benefits from racism and national
chauvinism, unfortunately these ills too often find reflection in the
working class movements and in labor. This even finds its reflection in the
divisions in the world trade union movement: much of the WFTU’s member
unions are based in developing countries of Africa, Asia and South America
while the ICFTU is more based in the European, US and other industrial

While great strides have been made in the US labor movement including a
complete change in policy towards immigrant workers, recent bouts of China
bashing have commingled political anti-communism with racism in targeting
Chinese workers and their working class government. 

Again, it is important to note the growing movements for world labor unity.
When the AFL-CIO and several industrial unions reached out to unions in
Mexico, it went a long way in reversing racism reflected in our labor
movement. The same can be said for efforts in the Caribbean and other parts
of South and Central America. US trade union involvement in the
anti-apartheid movements in the 70’s and 80’s also contributed to a better
global outlook for US labor. 

Millions of women workers around the world suffer some of the worst evils of
capitalist globalization. The race to the bottom finds them in the worst
global sweatshop hell-holes. Transnational corporations make billions off
the exploitation of women. Only full representation of women at all levels
of the labor movement and commitment to organize industries and sectors of
the world economy where women are concentrated can begin to bring equality. 

Another horrific feature of capitalist globalization is the rise of child
labor. Where the working class fought and abolished child labor in major
industrial countries over a century ago – now capitalist globalization has
reestablished it as a substantial profit making practice in the world. World
labor is increasingly putting the fight against child labor at the forefront
of its global agenda. 

Labor Today 

So, with all this background and general information, where does that leave
US labor today in a globalized world? 

First we have to realize that the attacks on labor here in the US are not
unique. Capitalist globalization has rained down rightwing attacks and
setbacks on labor many places around the globe. These attacks have ranged
from changing labor law against the rights of labor, to the use of police
force and repression against labor. 

Just a quick example – In Australia a new sweeping labor law is being
proposed by the conservative government that will allow companies to fire
workers at will, force workers to sign individual labor contracts, reduce
minimum wages and limit the rights of workers to get information and
assistance from their unions. This sound remarkably like George Bush’s
planned legislation for federal public workers. 

Indeed, much is made about the decline of union membership in the US. This
decline is also true in most of the industrial countries and in much of the
developing world. In truth all the factors from plant closings, to union
busting, to unfair labor law and limits on the right to organize that have
reduced union membership here at home have been factors around the world. 

Capitalist globalization has to be met with international labor solidarity.
The process of building global labor solidarity is an objective process of
the class struggle, just as capitalist globalization is an objective
process. While it is too early to picture exactly the new forms global
solidarity will take – global unions or global trade federations with
international contracts, for example, one clear responsibility for
progressive forces in labor is to make the connections and push for greater
and greater international ties and contact with workers of the world. 

This fight has many fronts. In the first place US labor has to be won to a
bigger vision of its place and role in global labor. Leo Gerard, president
of the United Steelworkers union said a profound thing in this regard at the
steelworkers convention last month. "We cannot survive as an island of
prosperity in a sea of misery." That applies on many levels. It applies to
all the unorganized workers in this country and to all those in deep
poverty. It applies to workers and the poor around the world who are victims
of global capitalism and imperialist war. Our vision has to be bigger, we
have to see ourselves as a component of global labor that will rise only as
workers and their families rise everywhere in the world. 

Armed with a bigger vision of ourselves as part of the globalization of
workers solidarity in the world, we should be that much more confident to
take on the big fights we must here at home. In just the past few weeks we
have seen the pension and contract crisis at United Airlines. Talk about a
global industry! How will there be a global fight in the airline industry
for jobs and retirement security? Or what about GM’s decision to cut 25,000
more jobs in the US. GM is a global corporation in a fiercely exploitive
global industry. Autoworkers can’t win without a global solution and global

As we fight to prevent Bush’s privatization of Social Security and the great
pension rip-off, we have to be totally aware that pensions and social
security systems are being threatened around the world – for example in
Germany and France. As we fight for a national health care solution we have
to be aware and in solidarity with the many countries, including Canada and
Britain where national health care is under attack. As we fight to pass the
Employee Free Choice Act we have to be aware that union organizers are being
killed in Colombia and other parts of the world. 

Further, we have to focus on critical struggles that help all workers and
unionists in our country understand the global solidarity essential to
curbing the transnationals. 

One such project is the fight against WalMart. WalMart is a global behemoth
that straddles the world killing jobs and communities everywhere it touches.
The battle against WalMart is a fight that opens the door to understanding
global capital and our common struggles for global solidarity. 

One last note on the internal struggle in the AFL-CIO and the threat of a
split. Things don’t look too good at this point but we have to remember that
the process of developing greater unity and solidarity is also an objective
process of the class struggle. Much of the internalized bitterness and
flailing about is based on a very limited view of what globalization is
doing to labor both here and abroad. It is not understanding that the
fundamental cause of the crisis facing the union movement is not some
terrible failure of labor, but due to the pressures of capitalist

To quote a trite cliché, labor’s salvation is not in rearranging the deck
chairs on a sinking ship, but in navigating the storm. It is in linking up
with the global working class fleet. Our strength is not just in numbers,
though that is extremely important, but it is also in our unity and
solidarity with workers and the oppressed of the world. 


--Scott Marshall chair’s the Labor Commission of the Communist Party USA <
<>> .

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