CB: Then WL proceeds to give _WL'S_ conception  of CB's conception of the
relations of production, in which WL at will and at his leisure sticks in
all kinds of distortions and misrepresentations of what CB says, just as CB
told WL a few days ago. Let me go back and find where told him that and he
claimed he doesn't write big misrepresentations of what I say. WL is a liar.


WL: Fine. What of the issues. I cannot understand what you write from your 
framework. Deal with the issue. 

What if I reproduce your exact description of relations of production as 
property as class rather than and contradistinction to what you call the 
shop floor?

Comrade, one moment you are the self appointed designator of what is 
classical Marxism and the next moment you demand a thousand definitions to 
which I provide, and then when we disagree you get hurt. 

I apparently have thicker skin. And of course I tend to speak with 
authenticity of experience and a verifiable record for what I write. From my 
you have not been able to understand dialectic and antagonism. I provided my 
source material. You simply view Marx one way and I another. 

I really evolved from another political current of history . . . really. Hell 
. . . Charles we even differ on the African American National Factor. And you 
did slip into a bunch of American exceptionalism and chauvinism. You are not 
the first and I have made similar mistakes in the past. Accept a mistake as a 
mistake and keep stepping. People do read this stuff and form their own 
opinions. Get some off-line comments. 


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