In _Here I Stand_  (1958), Robeson says:

Yes , for well over 300 years my people have been a part of American
life and history. A half-century has passed since W.E.B. Dubois , in his
classic _The Souls of Black Folk_ challenged white Americans in these
words of poetry and truth:

"Your country ? How came it yours ? Before the Pilgrims landed we were
here. Here we have brought our three gifts and mingled them with yours:
a gift of story and song - soft, stirring melody in an ill-harmonized
and unmelodious land; the gift of sweat and brawn to beat back the
wilderness, conquer the soil, lay the foundations of the vast economic
empire two hundred years before your weak hands could have done it; the
third gift of the spirit...Our song, our toil our cheer...Would America
have been America without her Negro people ? "

Michelle Obama was on "The View" television show, and she was asked
about her statement that this is the first time that she has been proud
of her country ( the media has an obsession with her saying this). She
explained that she meant "politically".  That's a good idea. It is the
politics of America which have been bad. Perhaps we can be proud of
parts of American culture, art, music, parties, cabarets and labor.


>>> Ralph Dumain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/23/2008 3:21 PM
I was thinking of this one too as a a specimen of Black Americanism, 
but couldn't remember the reference.

At 12:41 PM 6/23/2008, Charles Brown wrote:
>Let America Be America Again
>by Langston Hughes

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