Marxism-Thaxis] On necessity and law in human history
Charles Brown cbrown at 
Wed Feb 1 07:41:35 MST 2006 

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I do think that with respect to law in human history, necessity in human
history, at the stage of the transition to socialism, the issue of the unity
of subject and object is to some extent, well vulgar, a street hussle,
theatre even. I'd say that Marx and Engels were vulgar enough to realize
that they had to _sell_ socialism to the masses , including people from all
classes. Historical objective necessity can take the masses of human up to
the water of socialism, but it cannot make them drink. The socialist
revolution will not occur without working class consciousness and purposeful
aim to win it, make it so.  However, the workers are more likely to take the
tremendous effort involved in making socialism if they think it is
"necessary",  a historical necessity, in line with the laws of history. A
lot of middle strata people are more likely to aim for it if it is an
"historical necessity" too. Even many bourgeoisie will go for it if they
think , somehow, the "have" to do it, that the "Must" !
To the extent that there are laws, objective laws, of human history , they
do tend toward socialism, as a more rational way to organize society.  So,
in that regard , Marx and Engels are not selling snake oil. 
But that last , critical, and qualitatively different little/big leap at the
end, must take place in the subjective consciousness of each individual
human, or the great mass of them. There is no objective factor that _forces_
people, workers and middle strata workers, to want and aim for socialism,
ending capitalism. 
On the other hand, as Chavez says, in this era after Marx and Engels, after
Lenin, there are certain objective factors, such as nuclear weapons and
capitalisticgenic ecological pollution , which now threaten our species in a
qualitatively new way, and begin to constitute objective necessities for
ending capitalism everywhere on earth and starting worldwide socialism.
There is developing greater objective necessity for socialism now than in
the eras Marx or Lenin. 
Of course, a given individual can respond to these "necessities" with
resentment or nihilism or misanthropy, indifference or malice toward the
continuation of the human species. Given the many inhumanities of man toward
man , there is not guaranteed dissuasion of this any given soul.  At any
rate, there is a tremendous component of persuasion involved in building
revolutionary elan and spirit, even leaving aside those who are in extreme
despair about the whole world.  Declaring that history's laws require
socialism is in an important sense a strategy for persuading  ( "selling")
those who were thinking in terms of "laws" of science in the 1800's. 
Within capitalism, not so much in history in the larger sense, Marx did
discover certain strong tendencies or patterns of motion, cyclical patterns,
given the basic rules that capitalists and workers follow in their
relations, that is given the property relations.  There will , in a lawlike
manner, be a large mass of poor people. The absolute general law of
capitalist accumulation. There is a tendency or law of monopolization, one
capitalist swallows a few. There is a law or tendency of socialization of
labor or production. These laws do not directly derive from meeting
physiological requirements. 
Historical necessity , such as it is, derives from the requirements society
puts on individuals to meet their physiological and reproductive
requirements. The key realm of modern society which sets the requirements
for getting physiological and reproductive requirements met is the economy.
The process of getting these physiological and reproductive requirements met
is mixed in with getting many other needs or wants met in this economy. But
Marx and Engels focus on the economy, and class relations, as the main
source of necessity and law in human affairs (objectively determining
individual will), because it is where biological necessity impinges. 
There is a profound historical contradiction here in that a main aim of
human progress or accumulation of knowledge has been to _free_ us from this
very determining effect of biological necessity !  Culture and tradition of
science have had the aim of making us literally "supernatural" . I mean this
in  a non-religious sense, non-mystical sense. Merely, masters and
mistresses of nature. For the mastery of necessity is freedom. This freedom
is in a sense above nature. Certainly beyond the limitations that nature put
on humans 200,000 years ago at our origin. 
So, the contradiction is that the advance of science and technology
potentially frees us more than ever from the necessity deriving from
physiological requirements of which I speak above.  Yet,  capitalism and all
class society substitutes an artificial scarcity or inability to meet
physiological requirements for the many in order to control them. It denies
most people the immediate and easy access to freedom from the demands of
physiological necessity (or easily meeting them) that society is now capable
of providing. It denies them  . It thereby creates or maintains an
artificial "necessity or law"into human affairs by artificially bringing
people close to failing to meet their physiological and reproductive
requirements. Or allowing them to exist in a state such that they are in
jeopardy of not meeting their natural requirements, when everyone could be
easily and certainly free from such jeopardy by the level of our
technological development. This artificial return to threat or jeopardy of
failing to meet natural requirments is in the form of class, wage-labor
I think this is the sense in which Engels uses "law" in human affairs and
Peace in !

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