Well, Adorno started thinking out this over 65 years ago. And this is
when popular taste was probably far more discerning than it is today,
pace Adorno's notions about jazz.  The steady debasement of pop music
since the late '70s is not much of a mystery, and with generational
turnover and the revolution in media technology, it's easy to
condition children practically from birth to consume the shit that
gets churned out with ever having to hear any real music, popular or
otherwise. The results are easily discernable.  Oddly, one feels
older even than what one really is in confronting the young and
ignorant.  What was once mega-popular becomes completely unknown to
the clueless teenager of today.  The memory hole has swallowed up all
knowledge of the past, even the most common knowledge.  I think of a
gaggle of teenage black girls I encountered in the subway a year or
two ago. They inquired what I was listening to on my headphones, and
subsequent conversation revealed they never heard of P-Funk, George
Clinton, or Bootsy. What's this world coming to?

CB: I bet George Clinton and Bootsey recognize Michael Jackson as one
of the baddest motherfuckers of all times.

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