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Well, since it was recommended, here's my answer, here, since I'm not a
member of the Yahoo group:

There's an evident contradiction in the two passages quoted below.  The
Bolshevik organization of an "anti-imperialist camp" was predicated on the
success of the first socialist revolution in history, one that in fact and
not merely in concept - with all of its faults, mistakes and
inconsistencies - "forced march(ed) to the expropriation of the
bourgeoisie" as this revealing  caricature would have it.

In other words, this anti-imperialist bloc had a class predicate in the
exercise of state power.

ALBA does not.  This is not a recommendation of "forced marches" versus
some other historically appropriate path.  It is a statement of fact
concerning the class character of the states in question.  ALBA may well be
considered an "anti-imperialist camp", but as we saw with respect to Cuba
and Venezuela in connection with to Ghadaffi, that's no guarantee that camp
will be on the right side of a revolutionary uprising elsewhere. After,
that is the whole point of an "anti-imperialist camp".  Hence one suspects
ALBA is only partially "anti-imperialist", vis-a-vis the U.S., which we
inside "the Beast" are in solidarity with.  But there are other
imperialisms in "Lenin's World 2.0".

ONE -- What were the Russian Bolshevik leaders trying to form at their
famous 1920 Baku conference, at which they embraced anti-colonial Muslim
activists and endorsed the call for a jihad against British imperialism and
their Empire, on which the Sun was indeed beginning to set?

My definite impression is that the bulk of such criticism and childlike
political impatience is rooted in the concept that the socialist revolution
consists of a non-stop, forced march to the expropriation of the
bourgeoisie. Such a notion, if applied today in Venezuela or other ALBA
countries undergoing revolutionary change and advances, would be a plunge
into disastrous civil war in which the capitalist classes and their
imperialist allies hold most of the cards.
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