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I don't have the time, but an exhaustive analysis would have to cover not
only Ukraine, but Russia's activities generally, not only internationally,
but also internal colonization as well.

But a simple, if snarky, answer on Ukraine is: Crimea.  Speaks for itself.
Strategic naval base, cuts Ukraine completely out of any deep water access
to the Black Sea, the South Stream project, tourism, etc. Establishes a
geopolitical water link with Odessa, Moldova troublespots. Or are we to
believe that the Putin regime simply cares about the principle of national

Honestly, I think the burden of proof is on the other side who want to
present Putin's Russia as non-imperialist.  Begin the analysis from the
*complete* Marxist theory of imperialism (that will require more than
Lenin's pamphlet or Hilferding's "finance capital") and proceed to develop
a perspective.

Williams/Annis proceed with the exact *opposite* methodology.  Their
political milieu demand that they assume Russia as non-imperialist, and
they proceed from that predetermined perspective to cherry-pick "theory"
for gilding.  Now proceeding "backwards" would be justifiable only in a
dialectical presentation where one aims to negate the premise.  Which is to
say that there is nothing dialectical at all in the Williams/Annis

Really, the whole farce is a crude assault on Marxism.  It is also an
assault on Lenin's perspective of a world divided and redivided between
competing capitalist states, as well as between competing capitals in the
world market, competition as seen dialectically, the competition of

Instead, the dogma of the opposing Left milieu is always:  The almighty,
all-knowing "U.S. Empire" is the center of the world.  It's their Eleventh
Commandment: Thou shalt have no other imperialisms before thee.

I much prefer Lenin's original  perspective.  For all of its theoretical
lacunae it is been brilliantly vindicated by reality *over the long run*.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 4:26 AM, Greg McDonald <gregm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All the snarky back-slapping is fine and well, but in answer to the
> question of whether or not Russia is imperialist, Louis writes: But Japan!
> Not much of an answer. How about a concrete analysis of Russian activities
> demonstrating its imperialist intent in Ukraine?
> Greg
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