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On 7/27/14 1:18 AM, glparramatta via Marxism wrote:
By *Barry Sheppard*

July 28, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ --
It is clear that people who consider themselves to be some form of
revolutionary socialist do not agree on the facts about Ukraine. We do
not even have agreement on whether or not Russia is imperialist, or even
what the word means.

I would urge caution and patience in assessing the current situation.

But here is my take in a nutshell of what I think are the facts, culled
from various sources.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3973

This article is obviously in line with Kagarlitsky-soft, the unfortunate position adopted by the Socialist Alliance at its last conference. There is not a single word in it that allows for the possibility that Ukrainians, except for the ones backed by Russia, have legitimate grievances.

It is also besotted with a typo that almost certainly reflects Sheppard's unfamiliarity with the terrain: "The main participants of Maiden were not Right Sector, but at no time disassociated from it." Maiden? Maiden? Get your red-hot virgins here.

Everything is about Russia, not about Ukraine.  Barry writes:
In the 2004-2005 “Orange Revolution” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution) the desire for Ukraine to become part of NATO was proclaimed. Zero interest in the other side of the Orange Revolution (why the scare quotes for Barry? Obviously to scare people.)

Given Barry's "old school" Leninism, it is not surprising to see him refer to Bolshevik policy in an uncritical manner: "When Ukraine was incorporated into the USSR, it was as an independent Soviet Socialist Republic, under the Bolshevik's policy of national self-determination of the oppressed nationalities under the former heel of tsarism...As we know, the Stalinist counter-revolution reversed Bolshevik policy on this and many other questions, and re-instituted Great Russian chauvinism."

In reality, there was not that much "re-institution" under Stalin since there was never that much self-determination to begin with. For that sad tale, I recommend this: http://louisproyect.org/2014/04/20/lenins-party-great-russian-chauvinism-and-the-betrayal-of-ukrainian-national-aspirations/

Finally, in this sorry mess of an article, there is this: "How much Russia is backing these groups is unclear, but what is clear is that other than in words, Russia is not at this time resisting the destruction of eastern Ukraine by Kiev forces (at least some of which are Svoboda and Right Sector)." This is so ignorant that you have to wonder whether Barry has even bothered to read a single article that deviates from the Kagarlitsky-Borotba-RT.com perspective. Strelkov, The military leader of the Donestk People's Republic, is a veteran of Russian colonial campaigns, most particularly the blood-drenched Chechnya affair, while the prime minister is a Russian citizen who used to edit Zavtra, a far right magazine.

This is from Zbigniew Kowaleski, the author of the article linked to above. Read it and weep:

Who is this Strelkov? “I consider myself a supporter of the autocratic monarchy in Russia”, he explains. Moreover: “I am firmly convinced that to this day the Bolshevik power continues to exist in Russia. Yes, it has changed, become unrecognisable, but in its essence it remains unchanged: from the point of view of its anti-Russian, anti-patriotic and anti-religious orientation. In its ranks can be found the direct descendants of the people who ‘made’ the revolution of 1917. Quite simply, they have been disguised, but their substance has not changed. They have remained in power, having thrown away the ideology that prevented them from enriching themselves and enjoying material goods. But the process of direct destruction of the Russian nation (and of other aboriginal peoples of the Russian Empire) continues by other means; with a ‘success’ such as makes one dizzy. In 1991 there was a putsch; but the counter-revolution has not been completed.”

“To save the situation, we need in Russia a fundamentally new White ideal”. New, Strelkov explains, because “a large part of the population meets the ideology of the White movement with hostility. To take it to the masses ‘in its pure form’ would mean to condemn ourselves in advance to failure.”

“Probably, with the present government we can only build a Great Honduras, where before there was Great Russia. I have the impression that this has already been fully successful.” This government “is the enemy of Great Russia, just as is ‘the opposition’. They came to power with the help of the West, and they do not want to give it up to the new ‘chosen ones’ of the West.” […] Strelkov also writes that: “All the ‘explosions’ of discontent in Moscow and Petersburg are funded secretly from abroad. Of course, ‘the money for the revolution’ is not directly given by the West to its puppets. It is the local oligarchs-sponsors (‘of democratic orientation’) who give it … because their interests are inextricably linked to international Judeo-Anglo-Saxon capital, of which they are a subsidiary.”

This political orientation is shared by Aleksandr Borodai, whom Strelkov recalled from Russia to make him the “Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic”. The separatist movement in Ukraine, which they lead, is – according to their strategy – the armed base of the Russian monarchical counter-revolution, indissolubly linked to the reconstruction of the empire, as well as to “the politico-religious revolution that can save humanity from degradation and extinction, with as the objective of its development: the transcendental values of the spirit and the aspiration to divinity.” Borodai, son of a philosopher, supporter of the ideas of Lev Gumilev[5] and nationalist militant, is also a militant ideologue of the far right.

Borodai affirms: “It seems that only we – the Russians – are suited to play this role of initiators of the religious revolution. For if we believe Gumilev, our superethnos is still very young; although it has used, in a few centuries, enormous resources to create super-states (Third Rome – the Russian Empire – the USSR), it is still capable of finding within itself the strength necessary to undertake a crusade in the name of the higher values of the spirit. [...] The religious revolution is an inevitable war against evil; it is also a bitter, ruthless war. Is the Russian nation capable of such a feat? What will be the contours of the future religious revolution? Will its banners and flags carry Orthodox crosses and other Christian symbols?”

In the “Constitution of the Donetsk People’s Republic”, Borodai and Strelkov inserted a formula copied verbatim from the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire of 1906, which states that “the supreme and ruling faith” in this “republic” is the Orthodox faith. They also wrote there that this faith “is the matrix of matrices of the Russian World”. They added that it is the faith “professed by the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)”. In Ukraine, there are also other churches, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches.

From the Ukrainian periphery, the counter-revolution must extend to the whole “Russian World” and lead to the restoration of “historical Russia” – the Russia of the Tsars. In their “constitution”, Borodai and Strelkov have proclaimed “the creation of a sovereign and independent state, oriented towards the restoration of a single cultural and civilisational space of the Russian World, on the basis of its traditional religious, social, cultural and moral values, in the perspective of accession to Great Russia, halo [sic] of the territories of the Russian World”. What will become of the rest of Ukraine, when it also falls, after “Novorossia”? All of Ukraine, affirm Borodai and Strelkov, must, along with Russia and Belarus, “be reunited in a single viable state, provided with a Slavic national core”.

full: http://peopleandnature.wordpress.com/2014/07/06/ukraine-russian-white-guards-in-the-donbass/

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