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on Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014 at 05:32, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

> He mentions the UN Partition Plan of 1947 but neglects to tell his readers
> that the UN had *no business* in partitioning another people’s homeland!

  And that the UN in 1947 was far from representing humanity -- only the 
colonial powers, Latin America, the USSR and some Arab countries were 
represented. Ah, also India and Pakistan which had gained independence only 
recently, due to the weakening of British colonialism by the war. China was 
represented by the Kuomintang-Regime of Taiwan. And the USSR and her allies 
voted for the colonial partition plan! 

  And that the UN General Assembly's decisions have no legally binding power, 
what the world is always reminded of, when the UN GA votes nearly unanimous, 
with two Nay-votes, to lift the US blockade against Cuba, or to lift the siege 
of Gaza. The two Nay votes coming from the State of Israel and its sponsor, the 

  The UN minority back then called for a Republic of Palestine, with equal 
rights for all, without any discrimination based on birth, language, religion 
and so forth. This is documented in the proceedings of the various UN committes 
and assemblies of 1947. 

> He tells us that the Arab states declared war and “urged the Palestinians
> to flee.” Where is the evidence for this claim? Zionists used to claim that
> “Arabs went on the radio to urge the Palestinians to leave, and that after
> the Arab armies drove the Jews into the sea, they could return to their
> land.” 

  Nothing is further from the truth. Actually some settler posse -- the 
European settlers were already armed by the British colonial power as an 
auxiliary colonial police to fight the Arabs -- appeared at a village and did 
what they do today by SMS and automated phone calls: they called the Arabs to 
leave their homes and their village "Get out, or we kill you all! We want to 
flatten your village and make sure that you never return to your ancester's 
graves!" And so they made disappear from the landscape more than 400 villages 
and many other homes and businesses of Arabs. And try to push all Arabs out of 
Palestine by making life impossible in the Gaza strip. 

  The settler state, the modern version of the Crusader states, is the world 
champion in descruction and demolition, and lives by it. They not only destry 
homes and whole quarters, but olive orchards and other agricultural areas. 

  Maxime Rodinson reports in his very recommendable "Israel - A Colonial 
Settler State?" (New York, Pathfinder Press, 1937): 

  "An American member of the last Anglo-American commission to carry out 
investigations in Palestine in 1946 asked [Golda Myerson (later called Golda 

  'If the Jews as a minority had the same privileges as those you are promising 
the Arabs as a minority, would you be satisfied?' 

  'No Sir', replied Golda Meyerson- 'For there must be one place in the world 
where Jews are not a minority.'" 

  And since the majority population which Ms. Meyerson wanted to rule did not 
agree, they had to apply violence to drive out the population, and to maintain 
that violence in order to have a  "Jewish state", which means the rejection of 
Abraham Lincoln's formula for democracy: "Government of the people, by the 
people, and for the people", proclaiming instead "Government by the master 
race, of the master race and for the master race." And so the Jews were 
promoted from their status of outcasts to honorary members of the "White Master 
Race", as the auxiliary racist outpost of "Western" colonialism against the 
Arab nation. 

Lüko Willms
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