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I won't try to figure out who said what when and what they actually meant.
But maybe we can agree on the facts of the matter (or if not, seek further
evidence for discussion). There is no doubt that some Syrian
revolutionaries have had MANPADS and used them, but it also appears clear
that these must have been so few in numbers that the Syrian pilots dropping
barrel bombs had little reason to be concerned. It would have been
different if even a small portion of such weapons "missing" in Libya had
made their way to the Syrians, and there were enough Libyans who would have
been eager to supply them. So the conclusion is that the US not only didn't
act to supply MANPADS to the Syrians, but (as has been documented) actively
prevented such shipments, for the very reasons they openly offer (fear of
them landing in the hands of al-Q'aida).

And furthermore, not only were there were so few but they were delivered to
groups other than ISIS, which is why ISIS apparently never possessed any,
and which therefore is why we haven't seen them used in Iraq. I believe
that was the point Louis was making.

- Jeff

At 16:10 17-08-14 -0700, DW via Marxism wrote:
>"...isn't it odd that not a single one of these weapons have been used
>against jets and helicopters in Iraq?"
>Then you wrote:
>"Except that this is not what I said. I said that there is no evidence that
>a "rat line" existed."
>Then I wrote these weapons being...MANPADS. I showed you are wrong and
>factually inaccurate about what you in fact wrote.
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