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On Aug 30, 2014, at 8:29 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:


" Although I think the tendency among commentators to call the current situation between Russia and the West a “new cold war” is not only symptomatic of the Western press’s short term memory, but a misnomer (inter-imperialist rivalry is a much more accurate description), the truth is permanent NATO military bases along Russia’s borders are nothing short of a serious provocation."

"new cold war" is a misnomer only insofar as it echoes the dishonest "Anticommunist" ideology used against the USSR, which, of course, utilized a comparably dishonest "Anticapitalist" ideology against its rival. The truth is that "inter-imperialist rivalry" was then, just as it is today, "a much more accurate description." Which is not in the least to deny that "permanent NATO military bases along Russia’s borders are nothing short of a serious provocation."

Shane Mage

"scientific discovery is basically recognition of obvious realities
that self-interest or ideology have kept everybody from paying attention to"

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