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On 11/14/14 9:19 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote
[I think this was intended for the list.]

I guess PB waited for Cockburn to drop dead before throwing mud on him.
  I guess he didn't want to attack Cockburn while he was alive and
possibly get a reply in return.  From PB's New Republic article:

"My greatest sin, in his eyes, was to write critically about the
Sandinistas and their revolution in Nicaragua, where the Spanish Civil
War seemed never to have ended. Soviet machinations, cynical propaganda,
fanatically deluded international volunteers—
everything from the 1930s
that Orwell describes in Homage to Catalonia was all too visible in
Nicaragua fifty years later, naturally in different versions. Sometimes
in the same version: at the Soviet Embassy in Managua, elderly veterans
of the Spanish war formed part of the military staff. My reports from
Nicaragua hinted at these developments."

This was from an article by George Scialabba: http://www.thebaffler.com/blog/the-assassins-fate/

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