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re: equating satire and ridicule of the religion of the powerful (Catholic
Church) with degrading the religion of the weak and powerless -

”You claim for yourself the tradition of anticlericalism, but pretend not
to know the fundamental difference between this and Islamophobia. The first
comes from a long, hard and fierce struggle against a Catholic priesthood
which actually had formidable power, which had - and still has - its own
newspapers, legislators, lobbies, literary salons and a huge property
portfolio. The second attacks members of a minority faith deprived of any
kind of influence in the corridors of power. It consists of distracting
attention from the well-fed interests which rule this country, in favour of
inciting the mob against citizens who haven’t been invited to the party, if
you want to take the trouble to realise that - for most of them -
colonisation, immigration and discrimination have not given them the most
favourable place in French society. Is it too much to ask a team which, in
your words “is divided between leftists, extreme leftists, anarchists and
Greens”, to take a tiny bit of interest in the history of our country and
its social reality?"


I would think that the ability to distinguish between the oppressed and
oppressor is the ABC of any type of leftist worldview.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Daniel Koechlin via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Well Charb and Cahrlie Hebdo was fiercely opposed to the deportations of
> illegal aliens from France : if you call that racist, then you have the
> right not to be Charlie but I doubt you undesrtand the meaning of the word.
> Charb and Charlie Hebdo were long time participants in RESF, the largest
> French organization opposing deportations of undocumented immigrants and
> actively "hidding" and "providing sanctuary" to those that were the targets
> of racist policies.
> This whole condamnation of Charlie Hebdo as racist because they criticized
> religious fundamentalism stinks to high heaven. Fortunately, French Muslims
> are saying NON! to those who want to impose a reactionary worldview on them
> and supporting Charlie Hebdo, even buying copies. They have not been
> reduced to the level of religious alienation of their brethern in countries
> controled by fundamentalists, where the majority of the population supports
> the death penalty for atheists and the amputation of thieves. They want
> their voice to be heard : it is OK to criticize religion, even benifecial
> in the long run.
> Repeating the fundamentalist views of extremist organizations funded by
> the Qatari government that all criticism of Islam is an example of Western
> racism and incensitivity is both short-sighted and indeed sickening.
> On 01/14/2015 03:49 AM, Charles Faulkner wrote:
>> i am not charlie because of its racism.  charlie hebdo does not provide a
>> standard for me to follow.
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