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While it is true that KKE is running a second "Third Period" and does sees SYRIZA as almost socialfasiscts, it is not true that SYRIZA was forced by that fact to a coalition with the ultraright of Kamenos. The coalition had obviously been decided before the ballot. SYRIZA had always the ease to form a "left government" by his own and ask for support in the parliament. The "river" and the "independent Greeks" having declared a definite no to new elections threre was no fear. Even in case of refusal by these two bourgeois parties, the hot potato would be left in KKE's hands, to decide by their vote whether a "left government" could be formed according to the mandate or whether new elections were to be proclaimed, and of course subsequently pay for their decision.

For SYRIZA this would be a win win game: either to have the government by his own and now or to take it after the new elections less than month later!

On 28/01/2015 03:28 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

On 1/28/15 4:29 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:
KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party.
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic

I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises
Syriza and regards it as pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it
is a throwback to 3rd period Stalinism and as such evokes the "social
fascism" outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is why Syriza
ended up in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

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