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Yes, indeed. Over the citizens of Russia still dominates "ghost" of the Great Patriotic War. Too many people have died. In Russia there is no family in which somebody not died in the war. 27 million people, a war of extermination. But hatred have the russian people to Germany not.

First, in the Civil War the West wanted to impose the russian people lifestyle. Then in the Great Patriotic ... Throughout history the Soviet Union, russians people was forced to confront the world in the protection of their right to life, deny yourself in everything. To feed a bunch of the Warsaw Pact countries, Africa, South America and Asia.

Due to the mental impoverishment of the party and the Soviet Union collapsed. Have come liberal reformers. Collapsed thousands of plants, emptied hundreds of towns and villages, tens of millions of impoverished people. Is it any wonder that the ideology of liberalism is not popular with the citizens of Russia? It is associated with all of them the most disgusting that may be in life - poverty, gang violence, destruction.

About Israel.
Russian man dualistic. Yes, he endorses a policy of combating terrorism in Israel (because that the "has experienced on their skin"), but also approve of the Palestinians in their struggle for independence.

In general, the Russian people is very difficult for Westerners to grasp. Too different were the conditions of life in Russia and the West.

01.03.2015 19:43, Ken Hiebert via Marxism пишет:
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Stepan Kutuzov said:
In order to kill someone - need the balls. Among the Russian liberal opposition, there is 
no one capable of it. Too professionally done murder. Murder, no doubt beneficial 
opposition as "sacrifice to the slaughter".

We must not link the murder Nemtsov and report on allegedly the presence of 
Russian troops in Donbass. Nothing serious, he would be there would not 
disclose. Russian citizens still do not listen to the liberals - all what they 
say - automatically lie and a provocation. So consider the majority of citizens 
of Russia.

Ken Hiebert replies:
SK says,  "So consider the majority of citizens of Russia."
It's always a good idea to consider the opinions of others.  I want to know why 
the majority of Russians see the world the way they do.  I also want to know 
why Americans and Israelis see the world the way they do.  This does not mean I 
have to agree with them.
I would suggest that the horrors of World War II weight heavily on the minds of 
people in Russia as they do on many fervent supporters of Israel.  I could be 
right or wrong about this. But I am sure it is never a good idea to write off 
whole nations of people as stupid or too full of ignorant hostility.  We must 
look for a starting point in the conversation by acknowledging their experience.
My contact with Russians is minimal to non-existent.  But while I still worked 
on the waterfront we did see some Russian sailors.  A co-worker of mine was 
able to talk to them. He was Bulgarian and had spent time in the Soviet Union.  
He told me that they were looking for a leader who was a patriot.  An echo 
perhaps of the Great Patriotic War?

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