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Like Gary (and Louis) I was appalled by this film.

In fact, given the politics were largely stripped away, I felt it was a
piece of unrelieved sadism I was watching on the screen.  I kept hoping it
would pick up and we'd see something positive in it, but no it was just one
continuous piece of relentless pain and misery.  A deeply anti-human film.

How it won any awards is mind-boggling.

I guess the film's miserabilism and all-round anti-humanity is what passes
for 'realism' in film these days, at least among sufficient numbers of
cognoscenti to provide it with a few awards.

Have any half-decent films been made set in 'The Troubles' - I can only
think of Loach's 'Hidden Agenda'.

His 'Wind that Shakes the Barley' was quite good, but that was about the
war for independence and civil war and I always thought it would have been
better to set that in a city - especially Dublin - than rural Cork.

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