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Glad you wrote this, Louis. First because of the information on the
political Marxism/Brenner debate (which I'm saving for later).
Second because of your justified critique of the Puritans and Philistines
who, as you correctly point out, didn't get what Pekar was trying to do.
He was painting a portrait of you, possible warts and all, not upholding
you as a model to be emulated. That's what artists do, as opposed to
socialist realists.

On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Although I’ve written thirty-five articles about the origins of capitalism
> over the years, I never suspected that my first for CounterPunch would be
> prompted in a roundabout way by my relationship with a topless dancer forty
> years ago.
> In the middle of May, I blogged an excerpt from an unpublished comic book
> memoir I did with Harvey Pekar in 2008. It covered my experience in Houston
> in the mid-seventies, part of which involved an affair with a comrade who
> had been dancing in Montrose just before I arrived, a neighborhood that
> mixed bohemia, gay and topless bars, and apartment complexes geared to
> swingers in double-knit suits.
> About a week after the excerpt appeared, someone directed to a Facebook
> page that belonged to a well-known ISO dissertation student who having
> posted a link to my blog frowned on the idea that I would write a memoir
> without ever having done anything. Since the memoir was written under the
> direction of Harvey Pekar, who toiled for decades in obscurity as a file
> clerk in a veteran’s hospital in Cleveland, I doubt that the student had a
> clue about the memoir’s intention. It was not a saga about exemplary deeds
> in the revolutionary movement but recounted instead the humdrum life of a
> rank-and-filer who felt deeply alienated by what amounted to a cult. Plus,
> lots of jokes. After all, it was a comic book as Harvey insisted on calling
> his work.
> full:
> http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/06/05/the-topless-dancer-slavery-and-the-origins-of-capitalism/
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