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Mark Lause wrote:

Jim urges us to act appropriately *to* "this juncture," as though we were
historical materialists.  But the next lines urge us to follow the example
of Lenin's struggle against Kautsky and voting against war credits in the
Reichstag.  For historical materialists, these are different junctures
altogether, no?

 I acknowledge the differences in the respective junctures in the
sentence following the text of mine that you select.  I might also add to
the differences that, unlike the German Social Democracy, Syriza is not,
 and never claimed to be, a working-class socialist party, and never
proclaimed its intention to answer the class enemy with a general strike,
as the SPD had pledged to do in the event of war. But the juncture is
not *altogether
*different. Tsipras it has betrayed every election pledge his party ever
made at the cost of untold damage and agony to his people, and is, like New
Democracy and Pasok, employing TINA arguments to justify his actions. Any
socialist (or even committed Keynesian) must categorically repudiate
all TINA arguments  A betrayal is a betrayal, in 2015 as it was in 1914,
and there must be a political sorting out and assigning of blame before any
political realignment can take place.


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On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Mark Lause <markala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim Creegan writes, "I know that branding people betrayers, and the whole
> notion of a right-left struggle within the left is your idea of a
> Spartacist nightmare, and is anathema to every bone in your
> 'anti-sectarian' body. But it is unavoidable at this juncture. Lenin didn't
> skip over the struggle against Kautsky, and move effortlessly on to the
> founding of the Third International, letting bygones be bygones. He would
> not have accepted the excuse that voting for war credits in the Reichstag
> simply "reflected" the wishes of the German people (which it did at the
> time, btw, to a much greater extent than voting for austerity now reflects
> the wishes of the majority of the Greek people)."
> Jim urges us to act appropriately to "this juncture," as though we were
> historical materialists.  But the next lines urge us to follow the example
> of Lenin's struggle against Kautsky and voting against war credits in the
> Reichstag.  For historical materialists, these are different junctures
> altogether, no?
> ML
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