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Whaaaaaat?  Unbelievable, that guy is lying through his teeth!  

The claim that: 

a) there is any longer term debt restructuring or resolution; 

b) this is a smaller austerity package than all previous packages, and only 
amounts to €8bn; 

c) there is currently €35bn for investment; 

is just a pack of lies. 

This, the ninth austerity package, contains €13bn total austerity measures.  It 
also includes the creation of €50bn fund for the banks paid for out of 

The so-called €35bn for investment was a figure given by Juncker, and it is a 
myth.  The funding is not new.  It comes from existing structural and 
investment funds that are available to all countries to draw upon, and these 
monies had already been requested by Greece.  In the period that it is supposed 
to apply up to 2020, there will also be a significant reduction in EU aid, with 
a total reduction of €6bn.  

There is also no debt restructuring, at all.  Merkel made this clear.  The 
point of this package is that it will force Syriza to implement far deeper 
neoliberal reforms, recessionary, anti-growth measures to boot, than the last 
government had to implement, and it will still leave Greece in dire straits.

It’s one thing for the government to say it had to implement a deal it didn’t 
like.  But now its publicity people are spinning lies, and lies that even the 
EU aren’t bothering to spin.  It’s crazy.

> On 28 Jul 2015, at 16:39, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thesundayedition/greece-at-the-crossroads-too-much-sitting-can-be-bad-for-you-utopia-on-the-prairie-amy-winehouse-1.3157555/why-the-greek-government-had-to-accept-the-eu-s-austerity-plan-1.3165516

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