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'Tis so ironic that the Abbott government should face a comeuppance over
the issue of folk having sex and cohabiting with one another. Who saw that
To add to the fall out, the Abbottoirs seem determined to dig their own
hole deeper.
When you look at it from one step away from the coal face who today
unconditionally supports the Abbott government? The mining industry and
climate change deniers. Religious and moral fundamentalists. Even those
with a keener austerity agenda must realize that the 'shock and awe' push,
so much the rage early on in the government's tenure, has floundered.
What sustains the government is racism -- a racism aided and abetted by the
ALP -- over the issues of refugees, 'national security' and aboriginal
Even the big business media has begun to turn on Abbott.
That suggests, to me anyway, that what's missing from the options on the
table is a clear offer from the ALP that it can drive austerity and remake
industrial relations so that profits can be jigged up. Penalty rates come
to mind. Further welfare and health 'reforms'. A new way to package
tertiary education at our collective expense. A quickening of corporatism
and asset sell offs. And an emissions green wash that will still protect
the mining and power profiteers while allowing open slather Coal Seam Gas
On this last point, the Abbottoirs have painted themselves into a corner.
While the folk of this land tend to be patient & resilient, another horror
Summer like the last three on the weather and bush fire front is sure to
feed a keen angst. That the context of the UN Climate Conference occurs as
our Summer begins is not in Abbott's favor.
Nonetheless, the continuing break up of Australian electoral politics and
drift away from the duopoly ensures that there will surely be wild cards in
the mix. Not voting Abbott doesn't necessarily mean voting Greens or ALP.
The racism driven shift of the discourse to the right has surely had an
impact on the protest vote. That Abbott -- and Shorten, for that matter --
has been so right wing has suppressed a coarser conservative surge and for
now we haven't a true UKIP phenomenon among us.Just a gaggle of right wing
outfits playing boutique funny buggers.
Nonetheless, that the Maritime Union of Australia has won a bit of a
victory on the waterfront, changes the dynamic --as do the mobilizations
around same sex marriage and the attempt to close remote aboriginal
communities in Western Australia. The anti-CSG movement is still a potent
regional force.
Indeed our collective fatal flaw is racism.That's the divide that is
sapping our solidarity.Its potency for savage harm is clear over the antics
of the ALP lefts on the issue of boat turn backs.Clearly any left wing
pretensions are sabotaged and made complicit when concessions are made to
this racist push.Indeed, like the 1984 federal ALP conference that backed
uranium mining, this year's conference result may prove to be a watershed
moment for 'stay-in-and-fight' ALPers.
Their, and their party's, progressive credentials have been gutted.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of apologists.

dave riley
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