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I don't know why you want to get into a line of talk like that, I have been 
rather polite and mature about this. My own view is that these ideas have some 
relevance and some elements are frankly useless. This piece of writing was 
meant to be a bit of media analysis and not a theoretical debate. Quite frankly 
there is a touch of Eurocentrism at play when people are quoting texts from the 
era of the gold standard and not even mentioning the writings of the South 
American socialists who are talking about neoliberalism and American empire in 
this century. It strikes me that you are taking an effort at mild humor in a 
direction towards nastiness and condescension. Why is your business, I just 
don't have to take your bait and give you the satisfaction of engaging on that 
level. I imagine part of it stems from the "anti-revisionist" bit you are 
about, which in my understanding is focused on arguing about Stalin's glory 
while failing to accept that the man had no grasp of Hegel's dialectical

Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 

> On Nov 14, 2015, at 12:41 AM, Joseph Green <jgr...@communistvoice.org> wrote:
> Andrew Stewart wrote:
>> There's a story I really like about a rabbi (it was told by Alan
>> Dershowitz, but that is besides the point):
> It seems to me that you don't have a serious attitude to the theoretical 
> issues involved. So-and-so said this, and so-and-so said that, but as you 
> have explained, you really don't care about most of it.  The amusing thing is 
> that the result was that nevertheless your article on Syria was  better than 
> most of those in that publication, and would raise theoretical issues to 
> others reading it. But it seems to me that to really escape the 
> Stalinist/Trotskyist framework, it would take serious consideration of the 
> theoretical issues underlying the debate on anti-imperialism. It takes work, 
> and not just feelings, however justified some of them might be. And the 
> anti-revisionist trend I am from has been preoccupied with dealing with what 
> the experience of the world movement shows, and how theory has to develop to 
> deal with it. 
> In any case, to each their own, as far as how to deal with theory. Best 
> wishes.
> -- Joseph Green

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