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>    1. Re:  Hundreds of sexual assaults in Cologne - what the hell
>       happened ? any answers from German list members? (A.R. G)

> I guess I am pretty stunned that ARG and Williams - feel it necessary to
> minimise (a la "What was so bad") about that?
1.  The fact that racists are looking for a vehicle ot attack on the
refugee issue is only to be expected.
2. To deny that this is a serious issue - is to play into the hands of the
3. There is no doubt that a misogynist viewpoint is expressed by various
cultures. This is often exacerbated in cultures where religious
fundamentalism is more the 'norm' than in the Western cultures many of us
inhabit.  But that simply does not excuse the dissonance of many in the
West who were remarkably generous to immigrants.
4. This veil of ultra-leftism - 'defend the immigrants-refugees whatever
they do' - is remarkably short sighted.
5. That the police actions could have been better (Williams) may or may not
be true. I do not know the layout in Cologne railway Station.
The same however also happened in Hamburg. The same - albeit in differing
history-circumstances happened in the North of England.

Closing Leftist eyes to such events, simply allows a massive reactionary
Hari Kumar

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