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As most of you who follow this dreadful website probably know, there are few if any serious analyses of Syria that appear there nowadays even through Yoshie Furuhashi is a case-hardened supporter of Bashar al-Assad. Instead she much prefers to retweet from like-minded people who generally use tags rather than their real names, which gives the practice a lack of transparency that obviously goes hand in hand with support for a near-genocidal regime.

Today there's a retweet of one "Doloroso" who posts a picture of some "jihadis" carrying trays of food with the caption "Have you ever seen a hungry Jihadi?" Was the photo taken in Madaya? Who knows? This is not that far from supporters of Assad taunting Madaya residents with pictures of food.

As I have pointed out on many occasions, support for Assad has led to degradation on the left. Mostly this has led to journalistic gaffes such as Zizek relying on a bogus website for a New Statesman article that they had to surgically correct.

But how does Doloroso's tweet deepen our understanding of what is happening in Madaya? I am afraid that Yoshie's purpose was not to do anything like that. Instead it was meant to obfuscate. Sick.
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