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At 21:43 13-01-16 -0800, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:
>What we have witnessed on this list and what Phillip reports of his off 
>line contact with Lüko suggests that he deliberately sets out to provoke

Yes, and he succeeded as should be expected given what he writes. But
beyond that, I have no doubt that (for whatever reason) he was TRYING to
get thrown off the list. On Sunday Louis "reminded" us that each subscriber
is limited to 3 posts per day (that's funny, I had recalled it being 5 or
6). The very next day, Luko posted no fewer than 11 times according to my
count! (Not to mention that the posts were extremely repetitive.)

Now if rules were strictly followed then after the 4th post he would have
been unsubbed, but that only happened the next day for a different reason.
What I have noticed over the years is that the main reason people get
kicked off the list is that they say the wrong thing at the wrong time on a
day when Louis got up on the wrong side of bed. The fact that a
justification is supplied (or is obvious) is beside the point, when you see
others being treated differently (I didn't say "preferentially," because as
I said, there appears to be a large random component involved) under
similar circumstances.

When "rules" and standards are applied at one person's whim (no matter how
valuable that one person's role), they become meaningless. I wish there
were a way for administrative actions, such as cutting off a discussion or
sanctions against an individual, to be subject to the wishes of all list
members affected, and not just one acting (at best) in what he determines
the collective interest to be. I do not consider the current system
acceptable nor would it be accepted by any other left discussion group or
study group that I have ever seen outside of a Stalinist state.

- Jeff

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