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Louis you've provided a real service in pinpointing the source of this
horrific illness and those responsible.
But once again a fine analysis of yours is spoiled by your conclusion that
there is no hope for the victims, that no matter what they do Washington
has the upper hand.
Were your years in CISPES then wasted? How do you account for your
admirable steadfastness today in support of the Syrian people?
Yes, the odds are against the Salvadorans and Syrians and Greeks and so
on... but does that not just argue for broader and more tightly-connected
struggle and solidarity?

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> News is spreading rapidly about the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus that
> causes birth defects when a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected
> insect—specifically microcephaly that afflicted one of the characters in
> Todd Browning’s “Freaks”.
> Like many of the diseases that are becoming epidemics in the global South,
> it is a product of poverty, climate change and the destruction of natural
> habitat. The most infamous examples are heretofore have been AIDS and the
> Ebola virus but now Zika looms as the latest pandemic threat.
> full: http://louisproyect.org/2016/01/26/the-zika-pandemic-and-the-fmln/
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