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Why are the ‘eco-extremist tendency’ so fucked?



To be clear I condemn them. Product of A low period of class war wins?
Despair? Demographic make up?

Nihilism, egoism, political-philosophical pessimism are colonial and
civilisational tendencies anyway? They are incompatible, antithetical to
indigenous cosmovisions/’animism’, have no allegory in indigenous politics
‘then’ or now ?

Lot of this ‘Eco-extremist stuff’ also replays ideas about pure dead
indigenous groups who can't be spoken with or talk back and then blend it
with first year uni stirnerite-egoism, nihilism, pessimism’. It's
patronising at best to the living indigenous cultures that exist and
efforts to invoke dead indigenous people - to make them fit - is no better
than some of the anarchist movements poor efforts really to engage with
indigenous people.


This is better ... ?

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