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On 10/3/16 9:21 PM, A.R. G wrote:
Which Syrians? Do people in Syria read Alternet? Do people in America
read it for that matter?

I am talking about the Syrian left, or actually the Arab left that is living in the USA and Great Britain mostly. The kind of people who put out Muftah, for example. Riad Alarian was a co-founder. Blumenthal doesn't give a crap about them. Writing articles taking up their cause is not going to get the attention of the people who put out Salon, Alternet, Commondreams, or Counterpunch. You have to make a choice if you are going to make a career out of leftist journalism. I should know. I was more or less forced to resign from Counterpunch after Jeff St. Clair refused to publish an article that went against the current.

Yes, you should call them out, but this sounds like saying we should
never read anything he writes again on any subject. I think that goes
too far.

I haven't seen much output from Blumenthal lately. Maybe he got on board the Assadist train to help his career. He had the gall to Tweet that being pro-Assad condemned you to being in a beleaguered minority. What planet is he living on?
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