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This piece poses some very important questions.  I'm not sure that we can
clearly counterpose "a labor party that just so happens to not have a labor
movement or is it the materialization of an eco-socialist movement that
combines the praxis of environmentalism with socialism"  Asking "the class
question" about the Green Party echoes the arguments among socialists about
the nature of the SDS half a century ago. And i remember hearing this about
Occupy as well.   It was always related to how existing groups wanted to
relate to it.  In the U.S., there are many problems with the traditional

There are even more vagaries about how to hold that yardstick.  I'm not
sure about Andrew's distinction between what he calls a left wing and a
"parliamentary" one in the Greens.  In many respects, the left wing is the
parliamentary wing in the sense of wanting to function as a political
party, while what he calls the more 'parliamentary" one consists of the
flakes who think we're going to morally persuade the Democrats of our views.

Too, when Andrew suggests we could have been "focusing our energies over
the past six months on the matters we are only now getting to," it raises a
time-honored but questionable juxtaposition.  I don't know that what's
"we're now getting to" that couldn't have been gotten to earlier.

In the end, it's a question of alternatives.  I'm in a particularly putrid
local in a more conservative than average state party.  But, in spite of
that, the idea of an independent progressive alternative attracted 104,000
Ohioans in 2014 and around 3500 in this county alone voted Green in 2016.
Neither this local nor this state organization has any desire to organize
the Green voters.  Suggestions for a broad socialist initiative to take up
the slack have been regularly ignored.

So it's genuinely perplexing what the next move should be.

There are currently two initiatives from what Andrew calls the left-wing of
the party--a formation to press for independent political action against
those hoping to do deals with the Democrats and a drive to promote the
organization of a membership party which will have the same effect.  My
inclination is to suggest that we lend what support we can to these and
hope for the best, while involving ourselves in those struggles that are
genuinely non-electoral social movements . . . at least in the germ.

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