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Meanwhile, the only contemporary eruptions from the Left are pantomime Marxism. In the decade preceding the demise of Communism there was an upsurge in books predicting the demise of capitalism, and memories have evidently receded sufficiently to support a revival. The ideological vanguard will find Wolfgang Streeck’s How Will Capitalism End? satisfyingly turgid and pretentious, while for the useful idiots I recommend Peter Frase’s Four Futures: Life after capitalism as engagingly inspirational. If you enjoy these books, you may also, as the phrase goes, enjoy Harry Potter. Yet, while capitalism at last stands electorally victorious and philosophically without serious rival, its performance has become manifestly unsatisfactory. Its core credential of steadily rising general living standards has been badly tarnished: a majority now expect their children’s lives to be worse than their own. It is time for “The Future of Capitalism”. Unfortunately, nobody has yet successfully written that book. In its absence, I will try to weave something from the strands of recent contributions to the field.

full: http://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/public/how-to-save-capitalism/
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