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Podemos held its second congress at Vista Alegre, Madrid, last weekend 
(February 10-11). Over 8000 activists attended and 155,000 of its members voted 
online out of a database of about 450,000 supporters.

The first congress, which followed the great breakthrough of the new left 
populist movement in 2014, saw the joint leadership of Inigo Errejon and Pablo 
Iglesias establish the party as a centralised, presidential ‘big electoral war 
machine’. They brushed aside the criticism of one of the founding currents, the 
Anticapitalistas (ACs) and ensured it was kept out of any leadership 
structures. The ACs’ main critique was the way this electoral war machine was 
going to gut the dynamism of the 600 or so local branches and limit the 
political debate and development of the membership. A centralised, hierarchical 
leadership without an organised plural debate and relying mainly on online 
consultations would store up problems for the future.

Sometimes the radical left does get it right. The centralised leadership blew 
up into two factions and the party structures could not manage the debate in a 
sober way. Today the two main currents have recognised to different degrees 
that the organisational model of Vista Alegre was not fit for purpose. They 
called for reinforcing the branches and developing a more plural leadership.

Of course quite a lot of impetus for this shift of opinion came from the split 
that has developed between Errejon – the so-called number two and his great 
friend Iglesias. If you are no longer likely to be in the leadership bloc you 
quite quickly become enthusiastic for a plural approach. The organisational 
changes decided at the congress are still limited. Iglesias can still decide on 
consultations with the base without getting a majority in the national 
committee and can also dissolve local or regional structures. Nevertheless 
today Podemos is a plural party with open tendencies.

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