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On 2/23/17 2:27 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
I've spent the last week or so calling round to people I know in different
parts of the US to get a sense of what is happening where they are. Here is
a report on some of what they've told me, in addition to some thoughts of
my own.


John Reimann

Last night I went out to Brooklyn for a meeting at the Community Bookstore for my friend George Scialabba who was there to promote his new book "Low Dishonest Decades: Essays & Reviews, 1980-2015" that was structured as a Q&A with him and Doug Henwood.

Doug and George tend to be a lot more pessimistic than me so I made a comment about the growth of Philly Socialists and a left wing in DSA, etc. Just after I spoke, a woman sitting beside me who had been a union official for 35 years spoke about encouraging signs herself. She mentioned that there's a feminist group in NY that is largely made up of young woman with weekly meetings averaging 40-50 but at the first one following Trump's inauguration, 600 women showed up.

Somethings going on...

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