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My reply on the North Star:
I invite any of you out there to examine this question and post, discuss, and  
submit your thinking to multiple venues. I believe the The North Star Network 
is an open space for multiple perspectives. However, here are my initial 

1. it is is well and good for people to talk, to analyze, and think broadly 
about what "should be done". But it CANNOT be "done" in contradiction to 
ongoing action. There is collectively a "mass ferment" as well as a mass level 
of shock and paralysis as even our largest actions seem (I say "seem") unable 
to keep Trump and his willing (and unwilling) accomplices (Republican and 
Democrat) from rushing headlong into barbarism and the dismantling of 
democratic rights and protections. It is at one most uncomfortable for some 
sections of the capitalist class to try  to roll back class relations to before 
thee 1930's and at the same time, the capitalists see this event of Trumpism as 
a singular opportunity to do that very thing. The reformist-minded rulers 
(headed by the Democrats of all ilk) likely fear that such a rollback is not 
possible because they fear the backlash of the masses to defend Our gains. 
Trump and his followers are, in fact, calling our "bluff" betting that mass 
  will be quelled by a combination of Trump-inspired repression and the 
Democratic Party's historic role in encompassing mass movements and dissipating 
them into support for "realistic" electoral politics. In short, Trump and the 
Democrats hope to use the next four to eight years to effect a new era of  
"class peace" where all of US can learn to expect even less than what we've 
become increasingly used to accepting today. We Must Not talk and stop acting. 
Even directionless, the mass movements that are emerging create a different 
context. Indeed, the recent "debate" within the Democratic Party National 
Committee to elect a new chair received far too much attention by people who 
were just a month ago in the streets beginning to feel our power. "Discussing 
and analyzing" devoid of action, no matter how less effective such action might 
be without leadership, creates breathing room for the oppressors. Those of us 
who see ourselves as revolutionaries must continue to participate in every 
 form of struggle no matter how small or seem!
 ingly insignificant. In this period, every struggle, every town hall meeting, 
every issue becomes a basis to "stop Trump", which equals today to meaning stop 
capitalism's assaults.

2. Those of us who consider ourselves "leftists" or socialists need to unite 
not simply "in spite" of our differences, but BECAUSE of our differences. We 
need to show the masses both how to fight and how to make united decisions, 
especially when we disagree. The Trumps and the Democrats have historically 
relied (knowingly and unknowingly) on this very real propensity of internecine 
warfare "in the streets" among those who have become moved to oppose them. 
Indeed, the rise of the trade union bureaucracy during earlier revolutionary 
times has been a model, not necessarily fomented by the rulers but certainly 
been used to their advantage. The ruling class has historically had a singular 
weapon of mass (movement) destruction; their ability to open and close the 
"spigot" of reforms that created the material basis to buy off large sections 
of the working masses that allowed for the dissipation of mass movements. 
Capitalist greed is inexorable, but it is wholly capable of using its greed--a
 nd its vast stores of accumulation--to protect and defend itself. Its best 
weapon is that which can foment discord and disruption among the revolutionary 
class across all its potential fault lines of division. The longer we take--as 
potential revolutionaries--to find a way to unite in discussion, debate, 
decision-making and ACTION, the longer it will take to overcome the "crisis of 
leadership" of the masses that so many have "analyzed" is a problem. The 
results of our inability to unite are already apparent; they are bloody and the 
more consciously we refuse to change, the more that blood is also on our hands.

3. While there is not as yet an effective and permeating fascist threat, the 
attempts by Trump and his base of highly ignorant and fearful "petit bourgeois 
and lumpens" to create an "authoritarian" state raise the real possibility of 
such a fascist movement. That movement of reaction will NOT look like Hitler's 
fascism or Mussolini's or even of previous "American" attempts. However, such a 
movement will SURELY be aided by a) the continued "leaderlessness" of mass 
ferment b) the resulting demoralization and descent into despair of the 
currently democratic-moving masses as they see that their efforts are falling 
on deaf ears and Trump remains in power to continue his descent into barbarism 
(make not mistake, Trump will remain in power absent an increased and militant 
change of the relationship of forces) and c) the "success" of the liberal 
bourgeois to demobilize the mass movements for their ends to replace Trump with 
yet another Obama or such ilk. The rulers hope to find an equilibriu
 m, the more docile and accepting we are about whatever context is 
created--more Trump or less--the better for them and the more devastating for 
the rest of us.

In the end, if we do not continue moving (#1 above) and find a way to create a 
truly revolutionary tradition and leadership founded in democracy of action (#2 
above), we will find a "new equilibrium" where the masses will be even poorer, 
leaderless, and living in a tacit occupation state within the world where acts 
of desperation become the only source of respite.

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