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As a big fan of Hunnam and "Sons of Anarchy", let me point out that SOA was
on FX, not on AMC.

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> “Lost City of Z” is a biopic about Percival Fawcett, a British military
> cartographer who became obsessed with the notion that a highly advanced
> civilization existed in the Amazon on the scale of the great empires to the
> North–the Incas, the Aztecs and the Mayans. The film starts in 1906 when he
> is sent by his commanders to the Royal Geographical Society to get his
> marching orders for a map-making project. In a border dispute between
> Brazil and Bolivia over access to rubber trees, a third party would be
> tasked to define the exact borders between the two nations and Fawcett
> would lead that expedition.
> Probably the best thing about the film is a stunning performance by
> Charlie Hunnam, a 37-year old British actor best known for his portrayal of
> a gangster biker in AMC’s “Sons of Anarchy”. When Brad Pitt decided not to
> play Fawcett, it opened the door to a much more qualified actor in every
> sense. Growing up in England, Hunnam embodies the stiff upper-lip demeanor
> of Captain Fawcett, an artillery officer and to the manor born. When he is
> being interviewed by the Royal Geographical Society’s top men, he is told
> that doing this job would redeem his family’s honor. His father had been a
> member of the society but died in shame as a squanderer of his family’s
> fortune.
> Writer-director James Gray claims that class distinctions between Fawcett
> and the RGS’s establishment was paramount in his mind when he began
> developing the project. If so, he didn’t really succeed since Fawcett comes
> across just as Colonel Blimpish as all the rest of the men who were an
> integral part of the imperial mission of the late 19th and early 20th
> century.
> full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/04/19/the-lost-city-of-z/
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