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David McMullen wrote,
> The attempt by John Bellamy Foster of Monthly Review to show that Marx 
> was a greeny requires some rather weird interpretations of Marx's writings.

Not just Marx was concerned with the environment, but many socialist workers 
in the Germany of his time. But Marx wasn't a bourgeois environmentalist. His 
writing brought out the need for economic regulation and planning by the 
working people as a whole, while today's establishment environmentalists look 
towards market measures, or dream that restricting growth will solve matters 
without planning. Foster is right to point to the importance of Marxism for 
the environment. But Foster's faults include drowning concrete problems in 
philosophical generalities, prettifying state-capitalism, and evading the 
distinction between different class types of economic planning. "Monthly 
Review" is to Marxism what "green free-marketers" are to environmentalism.

I wrote an article in 2007 which deals with Marx's standpoint, Foster's 
standpoint, and the needs of the present environmental struggle.

"A review of John Bellamy Foster's 'Marx's Ecology':
Marx and Engels on protecting the environment"


The table of contents is 

* The writings of Marx and Engels
* Alongside and after Marx and Engels
* Lenin and the early Soviet Union
* Stalinist and state capitalist ecocide
* Marxism and global warming
* --Not market methods, but direct regulation of production
* --Class basis of environmental destruction
* --The nature of state regulation
* --Bringing the masses into the environmental struggle
* Foster's Marxism without teeth 

-- Joseph Green

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