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Tens of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of the capital on April 19 
in huge pro-government rallies marking the country’s independence day.  
Thousands of right-wing opposition also took to the streets in often violent 
protests. The day after the large pro- and anti-government marches, more 
right-wing violence broke out. The government accused opposition protesters of 
attacking public institutions, including a maternity hospital, on April 20. Ten 
people were also confirmed dead after a riot in Caracas. On April 19, thousands 
of red-clad supporters of President Nicolas Maduro mobilised in four separate 
marches that culminated in a mass rally along Bolivar Avenue in downtown 
Caracas. “I am here to support the Revolution … because I love my country,” one 
marcher told Venezuelanalysis.com. “I’m a Chavista in the flesh and I support 
Chavez and Maduro.

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